Chapter 13. Heartbroken

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Kiara walked into the club looking for Stephan. She'd been angry at him for two days for not standing up to Brent. Granted, Brent was probably three times his size and there would have been nothing Stephan could have done to stop him from carrying her off to his dormitory, but he could have at least made the effort instead of screaming like a little bitch and running to his bedroom. It was Thursday night and the club was filled with people at 7pm. She walked around searching for Stephan through the crowd of dancers. He was always at The HangOut with his brother, Lee, if he wasn't with her.

She remembered the afternoon Lee had brought Cathy to The HangOut. She had just walked out of Lee and Stephan's studio that was located behind the stage when she saw her cousin sitting on the stage listening to Lee play her a song. She did not want to see her cousin after what she and Stephan had just finished doing. Luckily, Cathy had her eyes closed and Lee had been too busy playing his song and watching Cathy for either of them to notice Kiara sneaking out the club.

Her cheeks turned red every time she thought about that day. It had been her first time being intimate with a guy other than just kissing. Stephan had been making out with her on the stage and suddenly carried her to the back room. And then it had become much more than kisses. Stephan hands and mouth were suddenly all over her at once. Too carried away and lost in all those wonderful sensations he was giving her, she hadn't known what he'd planned to do when he kissed her all the way down her body, lifted her skirt, and began to deeply kiss another part of her body she thought would never feel the lips of another man.

He was the first to ever have done that to her, the first to bring her so much pleasure she thought she'd die. And later, she had been prepared to give herself to him completely the same night Brent had wanted her to move into his dorm with Cathy. She'd ran out of the clinic to be with Stephan not thinking once that Brent would find her. She and Stephan were making out in the living room on the couch, Stephan fingers slowly unbuttoning her blouse when Brent burst in and carried her out like a damn caveman.

It had only been two days, but she was missing him like crazy. A group of students parted going their separate ways and that's when she saw him on the dance floor with another girl. The girl was Hispanic and was a lot more well developed than Kiara's child like body. She was beautiful and sexy with big breasts and curvy hips and Stephan was all over her, dancing against her provocatively, kissing her neck, grabbing her buttocks, whispering in her ear. Kiara watched as the girl grabbed the side of Stephan's face and pulled him down to kiss him. She watched as Stephan kissed her back hungrily and when he pulled her away he grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the studio behind the club until he saw Kiara.

They stared into each other eyes. Stephan's entire body slumped at being caught as he stared at her, his dark eyes pleading. Kiara turned around and ran straight into Brent's hard body. She stared up at him, tears running down her face.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be taking care of Cathy?"

"She kicked me out for being too loud while she was studying. I was watching a movie with Scott." He stared down at her and then at Stephan. "I'll kill him."

"Brent, no!" Kiara stopped him from going after Stephan by placing her hand on his chest. "Don't make it worse for me...please." she sobbed.

Brent suddenly picked her up and carried her out of the club. He carried her all the way to his dormitory as she cried loudly against his chest.

"Cathy!" Brent burst through her door carrying Kiara.

Cathy looked up in annoyance wondering why this man was constantly being a nuisance this evening when she saw Kiara. She ran to her as Brent sat on Kiara's bed with Kiara in his lap and knelt on her knees in front of her.

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