Chapter 26. Fragile

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A/N: This is a new chapter! I said I would continue this story when I got the chance. Hope you enjoy!

"I can't believe he got you a new car!" Kiara yelled excitedly as she stood outside with the rest of the group admiring it. Brent watched the girls circle around it inspecting it and making comments as Cathy chatted happily with them.

Scott walked up to him. He glanced at his best friend's worried expression and knew he was thinking about Cathy's heart condition.  "You ok?"

"No," Brent told him.

"It came as a shock to all of us," Scott said. He put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "I can't imagine how you're feeling right now."

"I feel like...I'm going to lose her. We just got together and I'm feeling like this...I should be happy, but I'm terrified."

"I know it's scary and I know how much you love her, but you're going to have to chill. She was fine before you knew anything about it."

"She was NOT fine...she got sick remember? Passed out in the middle of campus...I had to take care of her, and I didn't even know the real problem."

"Thank God, you didn't know at that time. You probably would have driven her crazy, like I have a feeling you're going to do now. Brent...chill man...she got this. We got this. We'll take care of her just like you will, don't worry."

"He hit her..." Brent growled his fist tightening. "The fucking bastard hit her...with her heart condition...look at her, she's so fragile.... How could he hurt her? She's the sweetest girl anyone has ever met. It didn't matter if she was confused about her feelings for him, he should have never laid his hands on her. I'm sure he didn't even know about her heart. She could have passed out when he hit her...she could have gone into cardiac arrest! Why the fuck did I let her date that bastard! It's no wonder he didn't kill her. It's my fault she got hurt...I could have lost her!"

"Dude!" Scott grabbed Brent's arm and dragged him away. "Stop freaking out before she notices! She's ok, well, ok as she can be. Look, she survived and she's happy. You made her happy. It's not your fault what happened. Cathy made the decision to date him, and you couldn't stop it because it was her choice! None of us knew he'd lose his goddamn mind and lay his hands on her, and he paid a very steep price for it too. Fuck, Chris really needs to be here. He has a better effect at calming you down than I do."

"Yo! You think Dana would like one of those?" Tyrese asked, walking over to them. "I could get her one, no problem..."

"You're not even dating her yet," Scott told him.

"Maybe she will if I get her a car," Tyrese said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"She has a car. The jeep her father bought her that she's quite attached to," Scott told him.

"Yo..what the hell is wrong with you, man? You look like you just came from a funeral," Tyrese said, noticing Brent's harsh expression for the first time.

"He's freaking out over Cathy's heart condition and the fact that Paul hit her..."

"Oh shit!" Tyrese yelled, finally realizing it too. "And she has that heart condition too. He could have killed her!"

Scott slapped his forehead in exasperation. "Didn't I just say that?! Don't make it worse!"

"Damn, she's staring at us...Was I loud?" Tyrese asked when he noticed Cathy watching them. "She's coming over. Square up man and fix your face!"

Brent's back was still turned to Cathy when she approached him. He willed his anger away and tried to calm down. If she knew what he was thinking, she'd get angry at him and that was the last thing he wanted.

Seneca State University - Sophomore Year - The BeginningKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat