Chapter 14. A Day At The Beach

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Friday came before Cathy knew it. She couldn't believe that she had survived almost a week at Brent's dormitory. She thought she would at least go back to her own dorm during the weekend, but Brent took his responsibility for her well-being seriously and still wanted her to stay with him during the weekend. However, Friday evening Cathy found herself over Dana's house helping her bake cupcakes she would be selling at a park Saturday for a charity event. Dana invited Kiara along too, to take her mind off of Stephan.

Sheila, Dana, Kiara and herself ended up staying up all night baking dozens and dozens of cupcakes, but it had been the most fun Cathy had in a while. It ended up becoming a cupcake baking sleep over. They song pop songs on the radio and danced around the kitchen until Dana's fathered told them to stop with the noise so late at night and once they finished Dana wanted to give Cathy a make-over, all the girls took turn in making her over. Cathy had no idea why, but she let them do it to make them happy.

Brent ended up picking Cathy and Kiara up later that Saturday morning since Dana had to go straight to the park with the other cheerleaders to sell the cupcakes. He took one look at Cathy as she got in the SUV and froze.

Kiara giggled at his reaction.

Cathy's long straight hair which he loved so much was now in curls that spilled down her back. The foundation she wore didn't quite match her skin. The hot pink glittery lipstick looked strange on her lips and she wore heavy eyeliner and mascara. Her cheeks were also pink.

She sat down and put on her seat belt then turned to him batting her extra-long fake eyelashes. "You like?"

Brent snorted. "No..."

Cathy's mouth dropped open.

Kiara burst out laughing.

"You look a hot mess," Brent told her.

"You know as much as like your honesty, you tend to be a little brutal at times," Cathy crossed her arms and looked out the window.

He stared at the short skirt that only came to the top of her thighs and the tank top.

"Dana," he said. "This has Dana written all over it. It's her style, not yours. I love the fact that she likes you so much and want to be close to you, but I don't like that she's trying to turn you into her."

He glanced at Kiara who sat behind them watching in amusement. "Kiara, didn't you say you gave Cathy makeover's?"


"And they were always perfect on her because you knew her style. Why did you let Dana do this to her?"

Kiara shrugged. "It was fun to see her as someone else."

Cathy watched Brent frown and start the vehicle. Apparently, he didn't think so.

"That skirt is too short," she heard him mumble as he drove.

"Brent, you are ruining my fun!" Cathy said.

"Looking like a hot mess is fun?" Brent asked grouchily.

Kiara laughed.

"Oh hush, Kiara," Cathy said. She turned to Brent. "You got no right to talk about how I look you overly muscled gorilla."

Brent glanced at her as he drove. "What did you call me?"

Cathy couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. Brent couldn't stop the grin on his face either. "That's not funny," he told her, then laughed.

Kiara laughed too. "That's pretty funny, Brent."

"I don't even know why you're so upset about this, it's not like I'm going to stay this way. You're right, it's not me."

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