Chapter 22. The Costume

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"What do you think?" Kiara asked as she whirled around in her costume. It had been her idea to dress up like angels since Brent was always calling them that, they decided to go as his angels.

"You look beautiful, Kiara, just like an angel," Cathy told her as she stared at her cousin in her white dress. Gold and white wings made from real feathers swung from her back. 

"So do you," Kiara told her. "I can't wait to see Brent's expression when he sees you."

They had gotten the costumes custom made. They wore flowing white dresses with gauzy silk material that made it look like they were floating in the air when they walked. The wings, that were made from real feathers were spectacular, although they were quite heavy. They wore them with straps around their shoulders underneath the dress. Their face was covered lightly in sparkling gold and silver and glitter.

The Halloween party was being thrown in the auditorium. Apparently, it was one of the major parties everyone on campus looked forward to attending. Cathy and Kiara decided to go together as a pair. Paul had decided to go as Barak Obama and her cousin Katrina as Michelle Obama when they found out Kiara and Cathy were dressing up as angels.

They walked to the auditorium smiling as people stared at them in fascination as they passed by. When they got there, it was already filled with people, but the spotlight was cast on them as soon as they stepped in. The light caused them to glow and sparkle with all the gold and silver glitter and sprinkled on them. Their entire body has some glowed with an ethereal light that had everyone at the party turning to stare at them in wonder.

"Whoa," Cathy said not sure what to do with all the attention they were getting.

Kiara grabbed her hand and moved closer to her side a little intimidated by it.

Brent was the first person to walk up to them. He'd been hanging out by the punch talking to Scott and Lee when they arrived. He'd nearly dropped his cup when he saw them. Stunned, he stared at them in disbelief and blinked a couple of times, trying to see if he was imagining them.

"What the..." Scott's mouth dropped open.

"I'm in heaven," Lee mumbled as they all stared at the girls in pure enthrallment.

Brent began to walk to them and when he reached them all he could do was stare down at them, mesmerized by them.

"What should we do?" Kiara whispered to Cathy. "He doesn't seem like he's able to talk."

"Cathy...Kiara?" Brent finally said somewhat hoarsely.

"Yes?" Both girls asked at the same time smiling.

"Who are you supposed to be, I look.... beautiful..."

"We're your angels," Cathy said.

"Brent's angels," Kiara said.

"Aren't' you always calling us that?" Cathy teased.

They stood on his sides and each grabbed his muscular arms.

Brent swallowed as he stared at each of the girls. "You really do look like real angels...Are you real? I mean those wings look so real. Wait...are you really angels disguised as humans?"

Cathy tried not to laugh, but Kiara burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, look at his face. Where is my phone? I need to take a picture. We really got him believing we're actually angels!" Kiara giggled.

As if she heard her, Sheila suddenly appeared in front of them dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and took their picture. "I'm taking pictures for the yearbook. You guys look great together!" she told them before moving on.

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