Chapter 18. Meet The Parents - Part One

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"We're in love."

Paul's words played over Cathy's head again and again. She had not once told Paul that she loved him. And he hadn't said it to her. True, he'd asked her to be his girlfriend Thursday night and she had agreed because she saw something in him she hadn't seen in Brent. He was a gentleman, respectable, intelligent, thoughtful and more importantly, stable. He was a man who had his life together before it even started. Paul was the kind of guy she'd always wanted. Maybe in the future, he would have been husband material, but for now she had never once said she loved him. So why would he say such a thing to Brent? And she had no clue Paul had such deep feelings for her. He had told her more than once during their dates that he was falling for her, but she hadn't taken him seriously. She thought he was flirting.

She stared at her cell phone and wondered if she should call Brent. He had wanted to tell her something that seemed important before Paul interrupted them. She couldn't stop thinking about the look in his eyes when Paul told him they were together. It was the same look he had when he found out they were dating, except ten times worse. She knew he had feelings for her, but how deep did they go? She was dying to know what he wanted to tell her. She called him expecting his voicemail since he was probably still at a party and was surprised when he picked up.

"Cathy, everything, all right?" Brent wanted to know. It was unlike her to call after midnight.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to answer. I'm sorry for calling so late. I wanted to know what you had to tell me, before Paul showed up."

There was a long moment of silence on the other line.

"Brent?" Cathy wondered if he was asleep or distracted.

"I...just wanted to say I love...that you were there for me, that's all."

Cathy frowned. "That's it?"

"Yeah," Brent said.

"Oh...ok," Cathy had a feeling that hadn't been what he wanted to say, but she didn't push it. "Brent, I hope me being with Paul doesn't change anything between us. I'm sorry you had to find out that way. He asked yesterday and today was my first time seeing you. I would have told you myself when I had the chance."

"It's ok and no it won't change a thing between us. You're still my girl, Cathy."

She smiled. "And you're still my guy."

Another long silence.

"Brent, you ok?"

"Yeah, just tired. Wore out from too much partying. Why are you still up so late?"

"It's Friday night. I can't stay up late on the weekend?"

"Not with your condition, it's best you get all the rest you can, Cathy. I don't want to nurse you back to health again, not that I would mine."

Cathy smiled and shook her head. "You're never going to change, are you?"

"With you...never..."

"Good," she said.

"What are you doing over the weekend?" Brent wanted to know.

"Paul wants to meet my mom, tomorrow."

"Really? Wow that guy moves fast."

"He does, doesn't he...just like he told you we were in love.... those were his words by the way, not mine."

"You're not in love with him?" Brent asked a little too quickly. His voice sounded suspiciously hopeful.

"Love? I like him...a lot, but love...I never told him that."

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