Chapter 19. Meet The Parents - Part Two

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Brent showed up at 4:00pm to take Cathy to meet his family. When he got out of the car and headed to the apartment, Helena made sure her daughter was busy in her room before meeting Brent at the door.

Brent took one look at the unhappy expression on Cathy's mother face and sighed. He knew he was about to get it. Before Cathy had moved into the dormitory with him for her temporary stay, Mrs. Sanova had hinted more than once that she wouldn't mind if he decided to date her daughter.

"How are you Mrs. Sanova?" he asked meeting her in the doorway.

She stared up at the young man towering over her. "Disappointed."

Brent sighed. "Yeah, me too."

"What happened Brent?"

"Nothing obviously."

"Don't get smart with me young man, I will tear that ass up no matter how big you are," Mrs. Sanova threatened.

"I'm sorry...She's too good for me..."

"You're in love with her," Mrs. Sanova told him.

"Yes," Brent agreed.

"And you think you don't deserve to be with her?"

"Yes," Brent said.

"And that's how she ended up with Paul?"

"Yes," Brent said.

"You're an idiot," Mrs. Sanova told him.

"I realized that now," Brent said. "I was just trying to do right by her. At the time I wasn't willing to be the man I needed to be for her."

"So, you thought you were doing the right thing by letting her go?"

Brent nodded. "And by the time I realized I had changed; it was too late."

"Oh, Brent, I'm so sorry honey. She's in a relationship now. I know my daughter, once she makes a commitment, she's loyal, even if she doesn't love Paul. If you let your feelings get in the way, you will end up pushing her away for good."

"She's happy with him, that's all I can ask for, so I won't do anything to ruin that. I know I lost my chance with her. I'm just happy to still be a part of her life even if it's only friends."

"You big lug head," Mrs. Sanova hugged him.

And that's how Cathy found them, hugging each other as if they'd just lost a relative. "Is everything ok?" she asked.

Brent looked up and smiled as her mother let him go. He stared at her for a minute with a stunned expression. "You look beautiful," he told her. "You didn't have to get dressed up to meet my folks."

Cathy glanced at her mom who had made her wear the blue floral angie dress and white high heel sandals.

Her mother just stood there with a huge grin on her face.

"I just wanted to make a good impression since you've told them so much about me," Cathy said.

"You two have fun. Tell my in laws, I mean your parents I said hi," Mrs. Sanova said.

Cathy gave her mother a look to behave as she followed Brent out the door. He was dressed in a midnight blue button-down shirt and black jeans. "You look nice too."

He smiled at her as he opened the door for her. He was driving his red sports car today. "Thanks." They waved bye at her mother who was still standing in the doorway watching them and drove off.

"How did it go with Paul yesterday?" Brent wanted to know.

"My mom gave him a hard time. It was my fault. I wanted to surprise her because she's always complaining about me not having a boyfriend and I thought hey I got the perfect guy to bring home now and instead she asks me about you. She thought he was a friend of yours, thought it was a joke and she said this in front of him, I'm so embarrassed!"

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