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My eyes squinted as I blinked a few times, trying to locate the source of the morning alarm that was doing its job of waking us up. Clumsily wandering my hands over the nightstand, I managed to shut off the clock, silencing its sounds.

Balancing my twisted body with my right elbow, I looked at the time, which read 7:02 AM on a Sunday. Before I could properly place the clock back, an arm circled my waist from behind, causing my naked back to fall against a hard chest.

"Don't move away from me," Jungkook spoke in his morning hoarse voice, cuddling me from behind and nuzzling his face into my neck, leaving a few gentle pecks on my shoulder.

"Jungkook, I have to prepare breakfast for us. It's already 7," I said, hoping for a response. But instead, he simply hummed and pulled me even closer.

"Stay like this for a few minutes...please," he pleaded in his sleepy tone, making it difficult for me to resist. I gave in and allowed myself to stay in his arms for a little while longer.

Pulling up the duvet to cover my nakedness, I relaxed in his embrace. Last night, as he had promised, Jungkook had been rough and passionate with me, not giving me a second to escape his grasp.

As I lay there, clad in his dominance, I couldn't help but surrender completely under his spell of eminence. He had given me the pleasure I had been missing from him, leaving me utterly smitten with his hotness and charm.

Despite the roughness of our night, he never failed to show his love through his actions and words. Whispering sweet words, he made me feel him with every inch of my skin, intertwining our bodies in a passionate embrace. He had certainly given me a night filled with rough passion.

A smile played on my lips as I reminisced about the previous night. I glanced at the man beside me, peacefully sleeping and cuddled under the gentle morning light.

Not wanting to disturb his deep slumber, I gently took his hand away from my waist. Slowly and silently, I began to get up, making sure not to make any noise.

As the sheets rustled, he stirred slightly, instinctively searching for my warmth. Seeing him move, I quickly placed a pillow beside him, which he immediately pulled to his chest, seeking comfort in its softness.

As I closed my eyes, attempting to alleviate the shooting pain in my lower abdomen, I made my way to the bathroom to clean myself and start the day.

Without latching the door, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and, as expected, noticed a collection of red patches and bite marks scattered across my skin. The memories of how they came to be were still fresh in my mind.

Suppressing any inclination to grin foolishly, I resolved to take a soothing shower to alleviate the discomfort. "A hot shower should do the trick," I thought to myself.

Stepping into the shower cabin, I adjusted the water temperature to a gentle warmth, aiming to relax my body and ease the pain. As I closed my eyes, I allowed the warmth to envelop me, relishing in the steam that filled the air.

Carefully washing my neck and chest, I couldn't help but feel a slight burning sensation whenever the warm water flowed over the tender hickey marks. However, I chose to disregard the sensation and continued to cleanse myself, determined to wash away any lingering discomfort.

With my eyes tightly shut, I allowed the water to cascade over me, washing away the dirt and providing a refreshing sensation. Even after standing under the shower for a good ten minutes, I couldn't bring myself to step out of the warm, steamy embrace.

Lost in the tranquility of the moment, I was completely unaware of my surroundings. Absorbed in the sensation of the warm water, I kept my eyes closed, simply enjoying its soothing flow.

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