↣ chapter twenty one

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I wake up with Poe's arms wrapped around me and his head rested on my chest. "Poe?" I whisper. He moves a little and buries his face into my neck. "Poe, come on. I think you should go talk to my mom."

"Why?" He asks his voice gravelly from just waking up.

"Because you disobeyed her direct orders to disengage. Maybe just go apologize," I suggest.

"Fine," he huffs before getting up and getting dressed. "Will you come with me?"

"You're a grown up, you can do it. I believe in you," I joke.

He sighs and walks towards the door. "Please?" He looks back at me.

I climb out of bed and change into my baggy pants. I don't bother changing my shirt. I walk over to Poe and grab his hand. "Come on, you big baby."

We walk out to the command center. "General?" I ask. My mom looks to the two of us.

She stands and approaches us. I move behind Poe, letting him talk to her. She slaps him across the face. "You're demoted," she says.

My eyes widen and I silently gasp. Poe's getting demoted?

"What? Wait! We took down a dreadnought," Poe says.

"At what cost?" Mom rephrases what I asked him previously.

"You start an attack, you follow it through," Poe tries to justify.

"Poe, get your head out of your cockpit." Poe turns and looks at me. I shrug. "There are things that you cannot solve by jumping in an X-Wing and blowing something up! I need you to learn that."

She goes to walk past us and Poe grabs her, "There were heroes on that mission."

"Dead heroes. No leaders," she says before shrugging out of his grasp and walking away.

Poe sighs and looks at me. "Great idea," he says bitterly.

"You're the one that decided to argue with her. You're too damn stubborn," I say.

"So I'm just supposed to stand there while she demotes me?" Poe asks.

"Yeah, you are. Just because you're the Resistance's poster boy, doesn't mean you can do no wrong. Everyone has consequences for their actions. Even you," I say.

"So, you're mad at me again?" He asks.

"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed in you," I say.

Poe rolls his eyes. "Don't pull that card."

"What card?"

"The 'I'm not mad, just disappointed' card!" He exclaims.

"Why not? It's the truth. I am disappointed in you, Poe," I shake my head and sigh. "I need a break."

I turn and walk towards our room. I close the door behind me and lock it so I can have some alone time. I take off my tank top and put on an off-white shirt. I grab Poe's jacket and put it on over myself.

I may be mad at him, but I still love him more than anything. I take a deep breath of the leather jacket. I can't help but smile at the familiar scent.

I walk out of our room and I see him moping at one of the tables. I ignore him, giving us both our space. I watch his head perk up as I walk past. I want so badly to walk over to him, smash my lips into his and say I'm sorry.

I restrain myself. I made the right choice. He needs to know that his actions have consequences. Even from me.

I stand near my mother when an alarm goes off. We all look in horror.

"Proximity alert!" Admiral Ackbar yells.

Poe stands and runs next to me. I look over at him. He looks back and me and gives me an apologetic look. I ignore him and turn back towards the window of the carrier.

"They found us," another admiral says.

"That's impossible," Poe and I both say together. We don't spare each other glances like we normally would have.

We watch as multiple First Order Star Destroyers come into view. We see a much larger ship approach.

"That's Snoke's ship," I mutter, worried.

"You gotta be kidding me," Poe says.

"Can we jump to lightspeed?" I turn towards the command, Poe following in tow.

"We have enough fuel for ourselves for just one jump," a woman says.

"Well, then, do it. We gotta get outta here," Poe orders.

"Wait," Mom says. We all look at her. "They've tracked us through lightspeed."

"That's impossible," I say.

"Yes. And they've done it," she turns to the window.

"So if we jump through lightspeed, they'll just find us again and we'll be out of fuel. They've got us," Finn says.

"Not yet, they don't," Poe says. He walks over to Mom. "Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?"

"Permission granted," Mom says.

I rush to our room and I throw on my flight suit. "Come on Dee Gee!" I say to my droid. She beeps and we run beside Poe and BB-8 to the hangar.

"I'm sorry, Poe!" I yell as we run.

"No, I'm sorry. I was being insensitive and reckless. You had every right to be mad at me," he says.

"Alright, we're both sorry!" I say.

BB-8 and DG-5 both beeps at us. We run down the halls. "Don't wait for us! Jump in and fire 'em up!" Poe yells.

The two droids speed ahead and into the hangar. Poe and I continue running towards our ships.

As I run, I feel a familiar pain in my chest. Kylo Ren. I fall to the ground as I feel him getting closer. Poe stops and turns to me. He rushes to my crouching figure and picks me up.

"Your brother?" He asks. I nod as a silent response. Poe and I go back to our standing position before running to the hangar and almost reaching our ships.

The hangar explodes and Poe and I are sent flying back into the hallway. Our droids get thrown with us.

Poe and I groan and sit up. I watch in horror as the doors to the hangar close on the flames and broken metal.

Finn rushes over to us and helps Poe up. "Are you alright?"

Poe shakes off our friend and walks over to me. "We need to get out of range of those Star Destroyers," he says as he picks me up off the ground.

"You alright?" Poe asks.

"I'll survive," I groan as I try to regain my footing. Poe sighs as I push myself to my feet and he holds me up.

I feel my mom's energy. I push myself out of Poe's hold and I run down the hall. I see my mom by the door that once led to command.

The door opens with a hiss and I catch her as she falls. "Get a medic!" I order Poe through tears.

He runs and grabs a medic team as I pick my mom up bridal style. The team of medical personnel rush over to me with a stretcher. I lay her down and they put oxygen on her.

They moved her down the hall and Poe and I get everyone to move. "Move! Out of the way, everybody! Give room!" Poe demands.

I grab my mom's hand in mine as they pull her through the halls.

"Life signs are weak, but she's fighting!"
A medic says.

"Just keep fighting, Mom. You can make it through this," I whisper to her. Tears stream down my face and they land on her cheek. I wipe them away and move so the team of medics can take care of her.

Flying Solo ↣poe dameron↢Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora