↣ chapter fourteen

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Finn leads us into the base and we jump in an elevator. We ride it up to the floor we need and the doors open, revealing a stormtrooper.

"Hey!" He gets cut off by Chewie shooting him dead center in the chest.

"The longer we're here the less luck we're gonna have," Dad says as the four of us step out of the elevator. "The shields."

"I have an idea about that," Finn says. We follow him down the sleek, black hallways.

We stand behind a corner awaiting Captain Phasma's approach. We hear one pair of footsteps and I peer around the corner.

"It's her," I whisper to the three.

She gets closer and Chewie knocks her down. We pull her behind the wall, Chewie and Dad holding her with their blasters pointed towards her. I stand watch with my blaster ready.

"You remember me?" Finn asks.

"FN-2187," she replies.

"Not anymore," Finn sasses. "My names Finn, and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now Phasma. I'm in charge."

"Bring it down. Bring it down," my dad puts a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

"Follow me," Finn says. The five of us walk to a control room. "Disable the shields."

"You don't give me orders," she says.

"Now!" Finn demands, shoving her towards the computer.

Phasma sits at the screen and begins typing in commands and accessing controls. We watch as she stalls.

"You want me to blast that bucket off your head? Lower the shields," Finn demands.

"You're making a big mistake," Phasma says. Finn raises his blaster to her head.

"Do it," he says putting his finger on the trigger. Chewie growls.

"Solo, if this works, we're not gonna have a lot of time to find Rey," Finn looks at us.

"Don't worry, Kid," Dad starts. "We won't leave here without her."

"You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy," Phasma stands. "My troops will storm this block and kill you all."

"I disagree. What do we do with her?" Finn looks back at my dad and I.

"Is there a garbage chute? Trash compactor?" Dad asks. I smile at the thought of his stories he told me as a kid.

"Yeah, there is," Finn smiles.

The four walk out of the room. I grab my spare communicator from the pocket of Poe's jacket and dial for my boyfriend.

"Be careful up there, Commander," I say.

"Amaya," I can almost hear the smile in his voice.

"That's my name, don't wear it out. Don't do anything stupid. Be cautious," I beg him.

"Me? Doing something stupid? Never," he answers.

"I'm serious, Dameron," I deadpan.

"I know. I love you, Cosmo."

"Love you too, Flyboy."

The comm goes dead and I dash out of the room. I find my dad, Chewie and Finn all hidden behind a corner. I watch as a group of troopers run past us.

I make my way over to the three. Finn leads us down the hallway. "We'll use the charges to blow that blast door. I'll go in and draw fire, but I'm gonna need cover," Finn mutters to Dad and I.

"Sure you're up for this?" I ask.

"Hell, no. I'll go in and try to find Rey. The troopers will be on our tail. We have to be ready for that. There's an access tunnel that leads..." Finn trails off when he notices my dad nodding in the direction of something- better yet, someone.

"Why are you doing that?" He mimicked my dad, "Why you doin' that. Hmm? I'm tryin' to come up with a plan." I roll my eyes and my dad and I point our blasters to Rey climbing along the opposite wall.

We make our way over to the side of the base that Rey was on. We walk the halls trying to find her.

We bump into a person and we all yell in surprise. The girl lowers her weapon and I assume this is the girl Finn's been antsy to help find.

"You alright?" Dad asks her.

"Yeah," she answers.

"Good," my dad says.

"What happened to you, did he hurt you?" Finn asks concerned.

"Finn, what are you doing here?" She asks. She looks to me, "And who are you?"

"Name's Amaya. I'm Han's daughter," I extend my hand for her to shake. She takes it and we shake hands.

"I'm Rey," she smiles.

"I know. I mean- Finn's told me about you," I chuckle. "I'll give you guys some time." I walk away and over to where my dad stands.

He turns and walks back over to the two. "Escape now, hug later."

We all walk towards an exit. We get in the elevator and start our journey upwards.

We exit the elevator and run outside. I watch as an X-Wing falls to the surface exploding on impact.

My heart stops when I look up and can't see the familiar black and orange starfighter. I search the sky and still, nothing. "They're in trouble," Dad says. "We can't leave."

"If I had my ship, I'd be up there leading my squadron. I shouldn't have come with you. I should be up there. I should be flying with them; helping them," I say.

"My friend's got a bag of explosives. Let's use 'em," Dad says. "Kids, you go set up some of the explosives, Chewie and I will cause a distraction and use the rest."

"No. I'm coming with you. You're gonna need all the help you can get," I look at my Dad.

He sighs and then nods. "Alright so you two go, we'll hold 'em off," Dad shoos Finn and Rey off.

Chewie, Dad and I all get back in the elevator and go down a few levels. The doors open and we blast the few troopers that awaited us.

We walk down a hallway and wait for Rey to open the doors. They open not long after we get there.

"Girl knows her stuff," Dad shrugs.

We walk down the hallway into an open room. Catwalks line the walls but most of it is just what looks like an endless abyss of darkness.

"We'll set the charges against every other column," Dad says.

Chewie growls. "You're right, that's a better idea," I say.

"You take the top, Maya take the middle, I'll go down below," my dad says.

"Detonator?" I hold out my hand waiting for my dad to hand it to me. He digs in his pocket and pulls it out, handing it to me.

"We'll all meet back here." The three of us split to our places. I walk along the catwalk and begin placing the detonators. I stop when I feel something in my chest.


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