Chapter 22

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" Jemima"

I heard different voices calling my name, but I continued walking, ignoring them all. In actually fact I was running, I guessed if I walked fast and long enough I would feel better. That was before I hit my feet on a stone. I fell.

" Ouch" I groaned. A tear escaped my eye, but I wiped it off immediately.

" Sorry" I heard Mo' say. "Are you okay?" She asked.

" I'm fine" I muttered as I tried to get up.

" Are you sure?" She asked concern filling her voice.

" I said I'm fine" I snapped as I stood up forcefully. I felt a sharp pain in my leg, I had sprained my ankle. "Arggh" I groaned out loud.

" Jemi, are you okay" It was Ephraim's voice this time. I looked at my side as I saw my friends wearing concerned looks. Tears rolled down my cheek.

" I think I sprained my ankle".


Dele watched as he saw his daughter staggering away with her friends holding her. He couldn't go help her because he felt it was all his fault. He sighed as he looked at Maria, his daughter must have indeed felt so bad.

Ever since she was born, Jemima had been the Excellent child. Her awards completely filled a shelf in the sitting room at home, she was the one that made the family proud. And all the time, just so he could raise his head high and smile saying the words " that's my daughter", he had made it an habit to always be present at her competitions.

She had mentioned this competition to him and he had completely forgotten, something that had never happened before. Seeing her being crowned and celebrated had made him happy, he was really proud of her.

But now he couldn't share in her joy and celebration, because he had disappointed her.

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you come here" he heard Maria say. It wasn't the poor girls fault, she had actually needed his help. But he could have done that without coming to the school with her. It was more like he wanted to impress her, why? He wasn't sure.

" It's okay" he managed to say. There was no doubts that Maria was in on the things going on between him and her mother.

And to be sincere, it was like she was beginning to see him as her father figure. She was very cool with him and enjoyed his company, many times they had gone out together and he couldn't deny he was becoming fond of her.

" I have to go now. Make sure you complete the registration tomorrow. Take care of yourself" He said as he walked away.


" Best Orator ma, I hail o" Dare said playfully.

We were at a lounge outside school, Ephraim had suggested we " cool off" and celebrate my success at the competition, after I left the school's clinic. My leg was a bit swollen but the pain had subsided, Dare had joined us on our way to the clinic.

" Eissh, don't hype me o bro" I said as I laughed.

" You really did good Jemi" Ephraim commented.

" Thank you sir" I said as I bowed playfully.

" You should have seen Fikayo's face when you were announced winner" Mo' said.

" True, she looked like a crazy granny" Semiloore added making us laugh.

Just then Maria appeared, I riled up inside but managed to stay calm.

" Hello guys" she said in her tiny voice.

The rest greeted her but I remained mum, Ephraim staring at me intently, I rolled my eyes as I gulped down my soft drink.

" Jemima" she called out to me. I raised my eyebrows as I glanced at her, shifting it almost immediately. "Please can we talk?" She asked.

What does she have to say???!
I thought to myself.

I looked up only to see my friends staring at me, they had asked what was really wrong between the both of us. Unwilling to give them more reason to suspect anything I gave her a positive reply.

" Okay" I said. Standing up from my seat I walked towards and past her to a secluded area, as she followed closely.

" What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

" I just want to tell you I'm sorry if I've ever wronged you. You've been acting weirdly to me ever since I got here" she said.  I rolled my eyes and turned to glance at Mo's car parked just near us.

" You didn't do anything wrong Maria". I said.

" Okay, I just want to clarify that your father just came to help me with my registration. I had some problems and my mom told him about it, he decided to help out". She said.

" Okay it's fine".

" I also want us to be closer. You know like we were while we were younger" she started as I smirked " like sisters". Her last word upsetting me real bad.

"Sisters?" I asked.

" Err, yeah Jemima. Sisters" she replied.

" Well I cannot be a sister to you dear Maria. It's enough that your mother is trying to take away my father from my mom. I won't allow you take away my father from me and my siblings. If you need a father that badly, pray your father back!!!" I yelled, getting the attention of my friends.

Tears rolled down Maria's eyes as she walked away, I didn't know how much I had said until she was gone. I bit my lips as I felt sorry immediately. It wasn't her fault my Dad was cheating on my Mom, she wasn't to be blamed, and she really didn't deserve how I had been treating her.

" What's wrong Jemi" the girls asked simultaneously. Ephraim also looked surprised and worried, while Dare ran after Maria.

" I'm fine" I managed to say " please can we leave?" I asked.

" I'll walk you home" Ephraim offered.

" She sprained her ankle, I'll drive her home" Mo' interjected.

My hostel wasn't really far from the lounge so I accepted Ephraim's offer. More like I wanted to see more of him.

" Don't worry Mo', my hostel is not far from here". I said as I managed a smile.

We exchanged greetings as Ephraim and I started walking towards the direction of my hostel.

" Let me hold your hands" Ephraim said. His voice and request make my heart beat faster.

" No problem Ephraim, I'm fine"

" Just to support you" he insisted.

" I'm okay really"

" I insist" he said making a face.

" Okay"

Wrapping his arms around mine, I leaned towards him, blushing as we walked. Inhaling the smell of his cologne, I found myself resting on his shoulders many times, but I managed to get myself in order quickly, which made him smile. That moment was everything, and priceless, it was funny how I was able to forget about all my worries anytime I was with Ephraim, I always felt at peace around him, he had that much influence I couldn't seem to understand.

We got to my hostel few minutes later, and we sat on a bench in front of the hostel.
Students walked in and outside the hostel and many stared at us. I couldn't help but blushed at the fact that I was friends with the coolest person in my department.

" What's up between you and Maria?" He asked.

" Nothing, nothing really" I answered stuttering.

After a moment of silence, he said.

" I hope one day, you'll be able to talk about all the things eating you up. I really do hope Jemi" He stared at the sky.

"Hmm" I sighed.

I hope too...

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