Chapter 13

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I sighed as I fell into my bed, tired and exhausted. I closed my eyes as I unbuttoned my shirt with the one hand, making sure not to move the rest of my body. I smiled at myself as a picture of a nose bleeding Ephraim flashed through my mind.

I touched my face as though to prevent myself from smiling, I tried to stop smiling but it wasn't working.

"Why can't you just obey me, dear face" I said to myself has I stood up from the bed. I had successful removed my clothes while laying down. I dragged my feet into the bathroom and had a cold bath. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I heard my mum's voice.

She was back. Her trip hadn't lasted just two days as my Dad told me. We did a lot of video chatting while she was away, but she didn't tell me she would be home today.

Still in my bathrobe, I scurried out of the room and into the lounge. I rushed to hug her but I stopped on my tracks as I saw the tears on her face.

She had been crying for long and that was too obvious, her face was soiled with tears, with swollen and reddish eyes. She stood there, and stared at the stairs.

"Mum" I held her hands and she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Jemi" she said as she hugged me. Releasing me, she tried drying her tears with her hands, it was not working. Instead it made her look very very bad.

"What is wrong?" I managed to ask her, I was scared, my mom was the ever joyful person. She never give in to her emotions unlike me, whatever could make her cry this much was really terrible and I was really scared.

"It's...." She was about to say when my dad opened the door. Immediately, the expression on my mum's face was a mixture of pain and bitterness.

"Honey" my dad called out excited, but as he saw the expression on his wife's face, His smile dropped. "What, what is wrong. Derin" my dad stuttered.

"How could you Dele?" My mum asked, tears flowing freely down her eyes.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about" my Dad stuttered as he moved closer to her.

"Mummy" I called out softly as I held her hands. I was really confused, my heart beating twice as fast. I took a deep breath as I tried to understand what was going on. My mum hadn't been home for close to two weeks, she hadn't call home for two days before today. Sincerely, it wasn't unlike her. I had believed she was cut up with something, and since my dad didn't make a big deal out of it, I didn't talk about it.

"You hit me Dele" she stated, her voice getting louder per word. My dad was obviously confused, he was blinking his eyes continuously. Her words had sparked a memory we all had tried to cover. I had even been in denial all the time. I didn't even tell Anne when she came home and asked me what had been happening at home.

"You made me believe I was making it all up in my head, you told me I could trust you. You've been lieing to me all this while" she was screaming as she said those words. Tears rolling down her face, as her the veins at her neck area came out in full force. My mum had a small voice, and whenever she was screaming. My heart ached at the sound, it's always like she was using all her might to scream. The sound... I never liked hearing.

"Jemi, please go to your room" My Dad said as I faced him. A million questions running through my mind.

"Okay" my voice was not audible at all. I turned to leave, as I ended up running. As I left, my mum's words rang through my ears as she screamed.

"I can't believe I'm living with a two-faced cheat"

Tears rolled down my eyes as I locked my room's door. I could hear my mum screaming her guts out, but all I could hear from my Dad were inaudible words.

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