Chapter 8

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Toni's aunt, Mrs. Olamide, was very abusive. She took pleasure in battering and maltreating Toni at any slight provocation. Ever since Toni started living with her and her husband, Pastor Dennis, Toni had to suffer the pain of being an orphan and the wrath of her anger. Toni, had once mentioned that she had mental illness tendencies, because she noted she beats her husband too. I had always known women to be victims of domestic violence and not the other way around.

She was not a devote Christian, infact it's better said that she is not a Christian at all, despite the fact that her husband was a pastor. She did not even attend church, she stopped attending few months after Toni started staying with them. Sometimes I always argued with Toni as I couldn't understand how a nice and friendly woman like her, will change to a monster Toni claims she is.

It was only after Toni confided in me about her Uncle's unfaithfulness to her that I could believe that was what triggered, her mental health, she must have been depressed when she found out her husband had a child out of wedlock, while she was still without a child. She vented her anger on poor Toni and her husband who must be obviously dieing from guilt.

Pastor Dennis couldn't do anything to save himself and Toni from her wrath. He couldn't possibly leave the marriage either, Mrs. Olamide was from a very wealthy family, they could turn the whole thing around and get him locked in jail for the rest of his life. He was only lucky that his wife had kept the secret to herself. He decided this was his cross, and he had to pay for the consequences of his actions.

"What did she do this time?" I asked Toni over the phone.

" As usual, she beat me and stopped me from attending lesson because I forgot to iron her clothes. And then Uncle Dennis tried to help...Err, you know the story already" she replied. " I'm only lucky she is not making me drop the exams this time" she added.

Toni was supposed to be resuming University as I was too. But her 'crazy' aunt, stopped her. Just because, we did a sleepover at my place with a few friends, towards preparation for our exams. She had cried a lot, and was also made to leave school.  I couldn't see her for a long time too, because she left the church's headquarters, when her uncle was transferred to her present church.

"Toni!!!" I called out to her so anxiously and angry. " When are you going to take my advice, you shouldn't be put to hurt because of your uncle's sin, and your aunt's wickedness, I have told you to let me talk to my Dad, even if your aunt's family is Rich, the church will stand for you" I said, my voice slightly high pitched.

" Oh Jemi, please please please, spare me that" she said " like you don't know all this church leaders, yes your Dad may be rich, influential and with reputation, but there's nothing he can do for us, can't you see. The church only seeks to cover their own name. If these ever comes out, what you'll see out there in the headlines us. 'The savior's church suspends one of its pastors on ground of sexual immorality" she added.

" Oh, Toni please try to be positi..." I said but she cut me off almost immediately.

"No Jemi, it's you that needs to be realistic, I love my uncle. He has been there for me, since my parents died. You don't understand this, but I feel his pain. I would rather, stay in this pain, than Allow him go to jail".

" Toni, there is nothing like going to jail for a man who cheats on his wife. At least, he didn't get married out of wedlock".

" Barrister Jemi, thank you, but life is not as easy and simple as you think. I called so I could talk to you, not to be lectured on ways to get in trouble. If you don't have anything consoling to tell me. Good night" Toni said, as she cut the call.

She actually cut the call on me, I thought to myself.

I rested my head on my thighs, as I started thinking of ways I could have handled the situation better without her getting hurt, again. She had probably face another scary moment, and had seen her Uncle who was supposed to protect her at the mercy of a woman. I could have been more understanding,  I thought to myself.

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