Chapter 17

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Aderinsola watched as her husband walked out of the room, outside their home and into the expectant arms of his mistress, tear drops rolled down her cheeks as she thought. I've lost him. But almost immediately she wiped the tears off, she wouldn't allow herself to be trampled and distressed by her husband's foolishness.

She watched as her daughter stared at her, no words coming out, just tears flowing. She didn't deserve this, Dele is a jerk, she thought as her daughter walked away.

She coiled up in her bed as she started to imagine the many things Her husband had done with Monica. She thought about Monica too, she had left the main church when her and her husband started having issues. She had always thought Monica was weak and couldn't keep her husband.

But here she was, her own husband lost in the arms of another woman.

Maybe if Monica had kept her own husband, Dele would not be trapped in whatever spell he was in.
Yes, that was the only conclusion she had made herself believe. She believed her husband was under a spell, that was the only logical explanation she could give in this situation.

How could the District overseer of The savior's church, Dele Adewale, one of the most influential people in the state, one leader that even the Governor of the state respected so much, how could he have stooped so low as to sleep with a single mother.


Monica wasn't even so attractive like the women her husband would possibly like. She herself was slim, fair and tall. While Monica was short, plump and dark. They were so contrasting, so what could have made her husband fall for that type of woman?

She finalised in her heart that her husband was under a spell, so that instant, Derin stood up from the bed and entered into her closet, her makeshift prayer room.

She went on her knees and started praying and blasting in tongues. Her prayer point being for God to destroy the spell that had been casted on her husband.

She prayed evil for Monica and her family. Derin prayed for long long hours.

But in all her prayers, she never acknowledged her own faults and she failed to ask for Mercy.

Mercy they all needed.


Dele grimaced at the thought of the scene he just walked away from. He was in his car driving to see Monica, but his mind was clustered with thoughts. He hit the steering hard as he threw his left hand to his face, his right hand balancing the steering wheel as he drove fast to Monica's place.

All he was thinking of was his daughter, and how he couldn't give her the response she wanted. He wished she could understand, and he also wished all the issues he had been having with his wife didn't escalate to this.

If only Derin had given him the attention he had always craved for. If only she respected him and did not call him names ever chance she got, maybe all this wouldn't have happened.

She had never been like that from the beginning, she was that sweet beautiful lady he had falling in love with. Their days In the University, special times, the first day he met her signified the beginning of something beautiful for him. He remembered the crusade the fellowship had organized then, and how he had gotten an utterance from God that Derin was his wife.

He had been very shy and naive, but he built up his confidence when it got to her. Oh, how he loved her, how he cherished and cared for her. And how she did same, she was the sweetest and most caring woman ever, and he wouldn't have traded her for anything in the world.

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