another one of those days

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jisung pov

"oh by the way ji, i'm taking you to the doctors today." minho smiles at me as we walk into school.

"thank you hyung." i blush as i look away.

"HAN JISUNG HOW DARE YOU IGNORE MY PHONE CALLS!" jieun screams through the halls as she marches towards me. she's dragging jungkook along but he won't even look up since he's seen minho.

"i-i'm sorry i didn't realize you called me until it was too late and i-"

"SHUT UP FAGGOT! why so upset? ARE YOU GONNA GO CUT YOURSELF AGAIN?" she's screaming at the top of my lungs and i froze. i couldn't move, i was frozen in place. i felt everyone looking at me and talking about me.

"leave him the fuck alone you annoying ass bitch jesus christ! is jungkooks dick not good enough for you? is that why you're so god damn cranky all the time? if he can't satisfy you why don't you try a woman? havent you ever had at least a little consideration for your brother? if you can even call him that. also, it's hard to understand you when you have half the schools dicks in your mouth. so instead of worrying about your brother that you can't even stand why don't you focus on your breaking relationship, yeah? and answering my question, clearly jungkooks dick isn't enough. if it wasn't you wouldn't be cheating on him with every guy in your line of sight. i really can't stand bitches like you, you know that? now fucking get lost and go worry about how your parents are gonna plead for child abuse."

jieun stared at minho wide eyed and speechless. jungkook was now staring at jieun in shock.


"an insecure bitch who takes her problems and insecurities out in everyone else. at first it was hard to figure you out. but after observing its easy to de-code you, really. you're homophobic because your brother is gay and he was the favorite child before he came out. you saw your family fall apart simply because the words 'i'm gay' and you projected your hate towards gay people from that moment on. you hurt your brother and had your fuck toy bully him because you were upset. not because he's gay, but because you blame him for tearing your family apart. did you ever stop to think maybe your family are the bad people, not jisung? and jungkook, you're not actually homophobic. you just want to please jieun. if you were you would've been upset at the fact that jimin and taehyung have been dating behind your back. so not only have you guys hurt jisung, but also other people you care about because they didn't feel safe to be themselves around you. jungkook you feel guilty, don't you?"

jungkook looks away from minho as tears well up in his eyes as jieun stands there staring at him in disbelief.

"i-i'm sorry jieun i need to go." he says as he runs off.

"look what you did, bitch. you upset my boyfriend. say, how about i please you at my place after school and we can forget everything and i'll leave ji alone, yeah?"

"ew tf no. i'm not interested. i'm not even straight. but here's what happens now. bang chan over there will tell his father, the principal, about all your bullshit and you'll be kicked out of school. you'll struggle due to your parents being locked up and whatever happens after that, i don't give a shit. you deserve what's coming to you, jieun. just remember that. i don't want you to bat an eye without thinking of what you did to your brother. what you put him through. the pain you've caused him. now, get out of our sight."

i don't know if i should be scared of this minho or want to fuck him but i guess i can work with both. i look behind me and see chan on the phone with who i assume is his dad. jieun doesn't bother to utter another word as she turns around and quickly walks away.

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