Todoroni makes a discovery

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Kaminari POV
“Y’know, I think the girls are planning something, I haven’t seen Mina all week, or spoken directly at least because she’s pretty much everywhere” Sero tells the other two boys at the lunch table. Mina was instead with the girls today, for the 3rd time this week. Bakugou joins them and sits beside his boyfriend, “What's going on?” Bakugou asks the other boys in a slight growl. “Oh! We're just talking about why the girls are avoiding us!” Kaminari explains.

“Well, if you count out the obvious things…” Bakugou grumbles, “Don't be mean Bakubro!” Kirishima tells Bakugou, who grumbles. “Fine, think, it's mother freaking Febuary. Think like a stupid shojou manga character.” Bakugou sighs, Kaminari and Sero blink at him. “Idiots! Think of a stupid romantic holiday!” Bakugou hisses at them and then the two finally get the point. “Ooohhhhh” they say in unison, out of the corner of his eye, Kaminari sees Kirishima look nervously at Bakugou. “Obviously Toxic Kirby would want to host some stupid shit with the other bitches in the class.” Bakugou grumbles. Kirishima apparently seems to be too distracted staring at his boyfriend to scold him about his language. “Right, how far away is it anyways?” Sero asks Kaminari, “What? How far away is what? The konbiniya?” Kaminari asks dumbly

“No, Valentine's Day. We were talking about it a few days ago, remember?” Sero asks him. “Oh, um, it's the 11th so 3 days from now.” Kaminari answers, checking his phone for the date. “Ugh, bet guys like Todoroki are going to get loads of chocolate…” Sero sighs, “Did someone say my name?” Todoroki asks behind them, Kaminai and Sero both jump up. “Ack?! Oh, hey Todoroki! Yeah, we're talking about Valentine's Day!” Kaminari explains, “Bet you're going to get load of chocolate from the girls…” Sero sighs and Todoroki stares blankly at them. “Valentine's Day…?” He asks them, “Hm? Ah, you know, the day where girls give guys chocolate!” Kaminari tells him, “...?” Todoroki looks at them confused, then his facial expression changes. “Wait…” Todoroki exclaims quietly. “So that's the reason that I kept on getting mountains chocolates in my foot locker some day in February in junior high…?” Todoroki asks them, a look of shock on his face.

Sero and Kaminari look at Todoroki. “Uh, did you at least give them back chocolates on white day?” Kaminari asks him. “White day…?” Todoroki asks, looking at them confused. “Never mind. Todoroki you should go eat your soba, it might get warm.” Kaminari tells him, and Todoroki walks off to the Dekusquad table looking as confused as ever. “Well, I guess Todoroki never grew up knowing about those Holidays…” Sero sighs, “Yeah.” Kaminari answers with a sigh. “Poor guy maybe thought those chocolates were poisoned or something…” “He’s not poor.”  Bakugou grumbles. 

Todoroki POV
Upon learning something new, Todoroki felt like he had just uncovered a secret of the universe. Gears work through his brain and he realizes that those chocolates must not have been poisoned. He also realizes that he should have thanked whoever gave him the chocolates.

Jirou POV
The girls were getting more and more excited as Valentine’s Day drew nearer. “I asked Sato-kun and he agreed to it, lunch rush sensei says that he’s used to having girls in his kitchen a few days before the romantic holiday!” Mina giggles and she munches on her food. “Yay!” Hagakure squeals out happily. “I know! I’m so excited!!” Ochaco grins, “It does sound fun *kero*” Tsuyu agrees, looking happily. “Do you think that other guys know what we’re doing?” Yaoyorozu asks her. “I made sure that they haven’t. I have a feeling Bakugou might know though” Mina answers for Tsuyu. “Bakugou’s the only one that’s not an idiot.” Jirou sighs. The other girls laugh and chat until lunch finishes up. 

*timeskip* After school

Jirou looks around at chocolate moulds with the other girls at Doiso (Daiso rip-off XD). “These are so cute!” Ochaco shows Tsuyu some animal shaped ones. “There’s a frog one *kero*” Tsuyu croaks happily, pointing to a frog shaped mould. Jirou looks at some of the cute moulds and picks one up with stars and music notes. “Hmm? Kyouka wouldn’t you like this one instead?” Mina goes up behind her and she turns around. Mina holds a packet of heart shaped moulds out to her. Jirou’s face reddens, “O-oi! Mouu~! Yamete-jyan anta!!!” Jirou yells at her, grabbing the packet and smacking Mina lightly on the head with it. “Phhht, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed!!” Mina giggles, she pinches Jirou’s cheeks (on her face, thanks.-Chrys) “H-hey~ c-cut it out!” Jirou complains, as Mina pulls on her cheeks. Mina finally let go and Jirou rubs her cheeks. Mina was usually super girly and affectionate when it was just the girls and Jirou had to get used to it.

Jirou places the package of moulds back where it belongs and glares at Mina, who gives her a wink. She sighs and looks over at some more cutesy shaped ones. She finds some Pokemon shaped moulds that catch her eye. “Hm? These are kinda cute.” Jirou mumbles and she picks up the package. The package contains 4 different shaped moulds that she recognizes as Bulbasaur, Eevee, Charmander and Pikachu. She checks the price of it and it was 500¥. Pretty cheap, and plus, Jamming-Whey would like them haha. Jirou thought to herself with a laugh. She takes it and grabs the package with star and music note shaped moulds. “I’m done on my side.” Jirou says to the other girls with a grin and she takes her things to the cashier but she backs up upon seeing an aisle. Bags? Jirou wonders and she stops by the aisle to check out what they had in stock. Cute tote bags were in the aisle and they were cute and Jirou saw a tote bag with an electric guitar on the cover and Jirou lights up when she sees it. She looks around the aisle some more and then finds another bag with a pikachu on it and a lightbulb went on in her head. She grabs the 2 totebags and rushes over to the cashier. Once she finishes with her purchase she sits down by a fountain that was right outside the shop. He’s going to love this. She smirks mischievously in her mind.

Yooo, are the paragraphs easy to read again? Anyways, I'm legit an outcast at high school. i eat lunch sitting in the hallway with my Obey Me! Bois on my phone... Oh well at least I have my best friend to text... Oh an watch this video

It made me really feel that poetry in it. It sucks that clubs are cancelled this year, because I wanted to join the literature club... -Chrysdamessedupauthor

Thunderstruck with Love (or My Secret Heartbeat) *Kamijirou*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ