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Jirou POV
Jirou and Kaminari continue to tease each other and talk, and Jirou takes out her phone. “I forgot, do you know the song Electric Love by Borne?” Jirou asks him, looking straight into his eyes, and Kaminari looks, “...No?” He answers in a questioning tone, as if unsure and Jirou laughs, “Geez, how can you not have heard it, here.” Jirou takes out her phone and they sit down on the park bench. “Hm, is it like, a rock song or something of is it a cheesy ballad?” Kaminari asks her and she contemplates, “It’s a love song, but it’s a rock song, the artist made a guitar cover and I really like it a lot!” Jirou tells him with a hug grin, “It’s really good, here.” she gives him the other end of an earbud, “Aren’t your jacks more effective?” Kaminari asks her, “I don’t have a dual headphone jack splitter, so shush.” Jirou tells him, “Can’t you call it a double headphone adapter like normal people?” Kaminari asks her and she sticks her tongue out at him, “Shut up and listen to the song Doltage.” She tells him, “Hey New nickname I see.” Kaminari laughs and she tells him to shut up once more.
Kaminari POV
Even laughing he was flustered, Kaminari knew this wasn’t really a normal scene, they’re sitting down together on a park bench and they were sharing a set of earphones, this wasn’t your everyday platonic thing was it. This kinda feels like a scene straight out of a shojou… Kaminari thinks to himself and he listens to the voices.
Jirou POV
Once the song was done, Jirou looks at him to get a confused look back from Kaminari. “Baby you’re like lightening in my BUTTHOLE??” Kaminari asks her, in a deep state of confusion. Jirou bursts out laughing, “I-AHAHHA-Oh my god-AHHAHAAH PGHHT!!” Jirou bursts out laughing and Kaminari just stares at her. “Are you deaf I-!” Jirou tries to make the words but she was laughing too hard. Kaminari looks stunned and confused. “Those… are the lyrics right?” he asks her and she shakes her head. “Of course not what the hell!! It’s. ‘Baby you’re like lightening in a BOTTLE’ you idiot! You legit just butchered the song!!” Jirou laughs, she was starting to get tears in her eyes. “Ohhh!! Makes sense!” Kaminari laughs, and he joins in on the laughter, once they were both out of breath, Jirou looks over at Kaminari and grins widely. “Geez, leave it to Jamming-Whey to ruin one of your favorite songs!” She giggles and she punches him lightly on the shoulder. Kaminari laughs, “Just leave it to me!” and Jirou gets up. “Wanna walk around some more?” She asks the blonde boy and he shrugs, “Sure!” he smiles back at her.
Kaminari POV
Kaminari couldn’t help but just think of this as a Shojou manga despite looking cool on the outside, in the inside his brain was having a lethal war to fight off the thoughts. No, this is just… a bro thing, we’re hanging out. As friends. He convinces himself and they continue to walk around. “So what do you want to do?” Kaminari asks her, and she shrugs, “Do you want to… head to a coffee shop?” Jirou asks and Kaminari agrees, “Sure! Coffee-demon-chan!” He grins and Jirou slaps him on the head with her earphone jacks. “Geez…” She huffs at him and he rubs the spot on his head that she hit laughing. “It’s the truth Jirou!” and they head off to a nearby coffee shop, “Hmm, I fee like we’ve done this recently… say last month-ish?” Kaminari laughs, he was talking about their bubble tea incident… The...bubble tea incident… Kaminari’s face feels like it’s suddenly lit on fire even in this cold winter day. He remembers the indirect kiss and immediately tries to yeet that thought out of his mind. “Rather not remember that.” Jirou answers with a colder tone. “Ah, right. Ah.” Kaminari stammers, though, this odd thought in his mind happens where he wishes that Jirou would like to talk about that memory, but he ignores that thought and opens the door of the coffee shop for Jirou. “What a gentleman.” She smirks and Kaminari laughs, “Just doing my job!” and Jirou takes off her hat and mittens and checks out the menu to order.

I found the whole 'Baby You're like lightening in my butthole' thing in a comment on the YouTube video for the song and immediately thought of Kaminari saying something like that -Chrysdamessedupauthor

Thunderstruck with Love (or My Secret Heartbeat) *Kamijirou*Where stories live. Discover now