Neither get some

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Jirou POV
“Geez…” She mumbles, her hand in her palm and Kaminari just laughs, mussing up her head, “Stoop!” She yells at him and She whacks his hand with her earphone jack, “Ow!” Kaminari cries out, “Your fault!” She huffs at him. “Geez Jirou!” He ruffles her hair, and Jirou’s heart beats faster. Shut up heart.
Kaminari POV
“It’s Valentines day.” Sero remarks. “Yeah.” Kaminari answers, they and other boys minus Kirishima were in the common dorms, Midoriya was trying to explain the concept of Valentines day to Todoroki, who was listening carefully, but still apparently looking very confused. “I kinda thought that this year we’d get chocolate.” Sero says, he and Kaminari were both looking quite dead, they got their hopes that they’d get at least giri choco from the girls, “Yeah.” Kaminari sighs, flopping onto the couch, joined by Sero. Bakugou once again was being pissy because he also didn’t get anything, not even from Kirishima. “Well, if we fine Mina, maybe she’ll give us some…” Kaminari sighs, getting up, trying to get his hopes up again. They were about to get up but then none other than the narcissist Neito Monoma bursts through their door yelling, “HARERERERERERE~? The class 1-A boys didn’t get any chocolat-ACK!” Monoma laughs, but gets hit in the head by Awase. “Monoma, that’s not something to brag about when we didn’t get any either.” Awase tells the now slightly unconscious loud blonde. “Man, I kinda thought we’d get something…” Tetsutetsu sighs, “Hm? Where’s Kirishima?” The iron boy asks, looking around the room. “...None of those are things you say when you come in unannounced” Kaminari points out to them. Bakugou tensed up even more at the fact that Tetsutetsu was looking for Kirishima and started looking like the demon he was back at camp. Kaminari hears Tokoyami’s dark shadow whisper that Bakugou looked even more like a demon than he did. “Sorry! It’s that, the second any of us got out of bed, all the girls went missing, they did this yesterday too…” Kuroiro explains to them. “Hey, the same thing happened with us too!” Midoriya exclaims. “I was excited to get chocolate…” Sero sighs sadly, and at that moment, Kuroiro goes to Tokoyami and gives him a small pack of dark chocolate, he does the same to Shoji. “To my equals. I expect the thanks on White day.” Kuroiro tells them, before walking off in an attempt to act cool but seems to have flustered a pink blush over his dark black shadow body as he walked off back to his 1-B family. Tokoyami and Shoji nod to their class 1-B counterpart in thanks and Kaminari gets even more discouraged. “Where the hell are the girls??” Kaminari groans.
Jirou POV
“This looks so cute!” Kendou tells Yaoyorozu, who decorated her chocolates with the candy and different icing tips. “Wow Jirou-chan! Those are super cute! You’re good at that! Can you help me with my muchroom shaped chocolates?” Kinoko Komori asks Jirou, who had melted a slab of white chocolate to create a bar of music instead of a bar of chocolate, and used the Pokèmon shaped moulds to make the notes. “Sure! Thanks! Just let me finish cutting it!” Jirou grins at Kinoko. Kinoko bought the dagashi snack Kinokonoko and some Mario mushroom moulds and decorated them in red melted hard candy and she wanted help adding white chocolate dots to give them a more mushroom look for it. “Thanks!” Kinoko grins and she begins to add the white dots onto it. Ochaco and Tsuyu were trying to get along with Yanagi and Kodai while Hagakure and Mina were laughing with Tokage, Shiozaki and Tsunotori. Kirishima and Sato were in another room finishing up Kirishima’s chocolates. The girls were giggling and bustling around in Lunch-Rush’s kitchen together while decorating and finishing up their chocolates. “This is so much fun! I didn’t know that you girls also had this idea!” Tokage laughs and Mina and Hagakure explain how it was their idea. “Alright! I’m done!” Jirou tells Kinoko who smiles, “Thanks for your help Jirou-chan!” She smiles, Jirou couldn’t see her eyes but could tell that it was genuine. “Who’re you guys giving your chocolates to?” Mina of course asked the girls of the class 1-B. “Well, I’m giving out all Giri choco.” Shiozaki answers and so do the rest of the girls and Mina’s facial expression changes to ‘;-;’ due to loss of interest and disappointment.

Thanks for waiting for this update, I really appreciate when y'all wait around for the next update. Hope it was worth it for this! -AwamiDaHazuSimp

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