Prince Charming

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Kaminari POV
Kaminari waits a bit before going in, just in case, since if they went in at the same time, the others would get suspicious. Kaminari sighs, he can’t stop his heart beating whenever he gets close to Jirou. What are these called again? Doki-doki feelings? I don’t know… Kaminari sighs, and he steps into the dorms. “Hey hey hey hey hey!” Mina cries out, going towards him, “Hey Mina!” Kaminari laughs. Kaminari looks at Sero, who was looking a bit depressed at the sight. “Hey Mina, did you hand Sero your chocolates yet?” Kaminari asks her and Mina freezes then runs away. “GOTTAGOBYEEEEE~~~!” Mina yells and she runs away from the question. Kaminari goes to Sero, “Tough luck.” Kaminari laughs at him. “Does she hate me??” Sero asks, looking sad. “Nah, she actually likes you.” Kaminari shrugs. “I got cute chocolate from Jirou though.” Kaminari says grinning. “Good going man, but if Mina likes me why didn’t she give me chocolate?” Sero asks complaining and Kaminari laughs. “She’s embarrassed, she’s so interested in making other people’s romance come true she doesn’t know how to make her own come true.” Kaminari explains. “Hmm… well-ack!” Sero suddenly gets tugged away by Mina. “C’mere.” Mina huffs and Kaminari waves at him, mouthing “good luck!”.  Sero’s confused expression made Kaminari laugh to himself. The day goes by, with everyone laughing and chatting,enjoying the chocolates, the biggest surprise of the day was when Mina and Sero announced that they’re now a couple. This surprised everybody, even Kaminari himself. Making him wonder who asked who out. If it was Sero, then he really has to knuckle down and ask her out. If not, then he’ll take his sweet time, because he’s afraid of rejection, and he’s nervous.  Once everybody had cleared out of the dorm room from the enjoyment. Kaminari goes up to the tape-boy. “Hey Sero!” Kaminari smiles at the boy, who was smiling from ear to ear, obviously content about his new girlfriend (grilfriend). “Ah! Hey! Wassup?” Sero asks and Kaminari and Kaminari’s face flushes as he asks this. “So, uh, can we talk?” Kaminari asks him and he shrugs. “Sure! What’s up?” Sero answers and Kaminari asks, “Who asked who out?” he asks immediately. “Uh… what…?” Sero asks the boy confused, thern realization flashes through him. “Oooh! Uh, I did! It’s your turn bro!” Sero laughs and Kaminari groans. “Ugh, do I have too?” he groans. Sero rolls his eyes, “If you want to get the girl, you gotta ask!” Sero tells him but Kaminari gives him sad eyes.  “That’s not going to work!” Sero laughs. “Man up! Get lessons from Kirishima!” Sero tells him. “Okay finne!” Kaminari groans, sadly. “I don’t know when but I will at some point.” Kaminari tells his friend who shrugs. “I mean, that’s better than nothing.”
Jirou POV
Jirou looks up at the ceiling in her room and looks sideways. She’s almost done her shojou. I need to pick up more… She thinks to herself and she places one arm over her eyes. “I have to do it discreetly…” She sighs to herself. “I can’t let anybody else find out or tag along…” She picks up the latest one she’s been reading. ‘Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - Tensai-tachi no Ren'ai Zunōsen’ it’s in shonen jump… but still counted to her as a shojou, it’s the same as Nisekoi. “Is there really going to be a prince charming out there…?” She wonders to herself. Even if there is, Prince charming wouldn’t want her of all people. “Hm…” She looks at her phone to check the date and decides to go tomorrow after class. She decides to finish up with reading the manga already in her hands with a smile, because it’s a funnier and sweet kind of romance… something that she wants, Kaminari flashes through her mind once again and she slaps herself with both hands. No. Not him. Never him. She tells herself, rubbing the places she slapped her face with her hand. “He’s not my prince charming… No way.” Jirou tried imagining Kaminari in a prince outfit and bursts out laughing. “Ahahahahah!! Yeah… The prince? More like the duke of Moronville! Ahahahahaha! O-or t-the court jester phht!!!” she laughs so hard she smushes her face into her pillow and, she begins to have trouble breathing. “Phht… my prince… yeah right.”

Y'all's motivations didn't work- Dex had to scold me into updating this (¯﹃¯)(¯﹃¯)(¯﹃¯)(¯﹃¯)-Chrysdamessedupauthor

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