27 | The Not-so-bad Bad Boy

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Trevor parked by an empty sidewalk and instructed me to get out of the car because from here on out, we had to walk to the place. I followed him through a maze of alleys and side streets until we eventually ended up in front of a tiny hole-in-the-wall pizza joint, the bright red neon sign reading, 'Slice Slice Baby'.

I could see a few exhausted-looking workers behind the counter tossing dough and pulling piping hot pizzas right out of stone ovens. The sweet aroma of fresh pizzas filled the air, and my stomach rumbled again, eliciting a quiet giggle from Trevor.

We went up to the counter, ready to order.

"Can I get two slices of Hawaiian pizza?" Trevor told the worker before pausing and turning to face me. "Oh, wait, Morgan, you're cool with pineapple on your pizza, right?"

It took all of me not to burst out into laughter right then and there, but an audible gasp slipped past my lips before I could even register what was going on. "Ah, I see the bad boy likes pineapple on his pizza, huh?" I teased, poking his side. 

He flinched and shot me a dirty look. "Shut up. Pineapple is the best pizza topping, and no one can convince me otherwise," he argued, narrowing his eyes and earning yet another laugh from me.

"Debatable but okay," I chuckled as I faced the cashier. "Pepperoni pizza, please."

We waited a minute for our pizza to come out of the oven. I was practically drooling at the smell. The cashier handed us each a giant slice on a paper plate with so much grease that I was worried that the paper would just give in and fall apart. We took our pizzas back inside the car, and as I was about to sink my teeth into the oily goodness, Trevor stopped me.

"Wait, I know a place we can eat at," he said as he started the car again.

"Can't I eat a bit first?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I promise I'll save, like, half for when we get there."

Trevor turned to look at me with a blank face, and I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, just... drive fast."

As my paper plate sat peacefully on my lap, I glared at the pizza with hungry eyes. Internally hoping Trevor would drive faster, I opted to stare out the window instead, eyeing the blur of passing trees, then as that couldn't distract me from my hunger, I turned to look at the driving boy instead. Where was he taking me, anyways?

He caught me staring and said, "Stop looking so nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

I'm a little nervous.


After what felt like forever, we eventually came to a stop, and I was thankful I wasn't dying of starvation tonight. Trevor got out of the car, and I sat there for a second, unsure if he wanted me to get out, too. 

"What're you waiting for? That pizza's losing freshness as we speak," Trevor remarked, and in response, I hastily exited the car and glared at him.

The boy went to sit on the hood of his Jeep again and patted the space next to him. He sure loves to sit on his car...

I sat down next to him, our shoulders brushing up against each other, and took in the view. We've apparently driven up a hill overlooking the skyline against the bay. The cool night breeze rustled some trees near us as lights blinked in the distance. The world suddenly looked so small from up here. The view was breathtaking. 

"Wow, you could see the whole city from up here," I gasped in awe, the night lights sparkling around us.

Trevor hummed in response. "This is where I come to masturbate."

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