39 | He Isn't Good for You

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The following day, I woke up freezing.

"Gah, the window..." I muttered to no one in particular as I realized that I had left the window open last night.

I slowly got up, ignoring the pain shooting up and down my back. I must've slept in a weird position last night. My brain felt like it was rotting. My head throbbed, and the floor undulated, but regardless, I somehow managed to stagger out of bed to close the window. Snow was falling ridiculously hard outside, enveloping the driveway in a white blanket. 

I liked to think that hangovers get better over time, that the more times you get intoxicated, the less pain you feel the following morning.

Well, that was a load of baloney.

Still freezing my butt off, I shivered as a visible breath escaped me. "Geez, it's cold," I whined before falling back onto the bed behind me, ready to resume my hibernation— I mean, slumber.

That's when a loud yelp sounded in the room, and understandably freaked out, I jumped almost three feet in the air, clutching the blanket around me for protection, and tried to locate the origin of the shriek.

"Addie, why're you screaming?" asked Archer sleepily as he rolled over in bed, his eyes still closed.

After I calmed my heart down, I used up all of my remaining morning energy to hit the crap out of my brother—which was quickly becoming a bad habit, if I'm being honest. "What do you mean 'why am I screaming'?!" I snarled. "What are you doing here?"

"We must've fallen asleep last night while we talked," he mumbled, his words only borderline coherent.

Eyes remaining closed, he blindly reached for a pillow and threw it in my direction: It hit me squarely in the face, which was a true testament to how good his aim was.

"Bitch," I scowled.

"Hag," Archer retorted before he buried his head under my pillow, thus blocking out all future sounds.

Realizing that arguing with a half-asleep Archer was moot, I made sure to groan loud enough that my brother would hear it from under my pillow and left my room with some fresh clothes in hand.


"Morning, Addison," my mom greeted as I made my way downstairs. She was standing in the kitchen, picking at a bowl of berries.

"Hey," I said flatly as I hastily threw my wavy hair into a high pony.

"Heading out?" she questioned, shamelessly eyeing my outfit up and down. I had put on an overcoat over a sweater and a plain tee and some jeans and was currently wrapping a scarf around my neck.

"Yeah," I deadpanned. Grabbing my phone and keys, I dashed to the front door to avoid more unwanted small talk with my mother. "See you later, mom." 

Hopefully not, I added in my head.


The bell chimed as soon as I pushed the coffee shop door open and entered the store, the smell of coffee immediately hitting my sinuses.

Instead of finding myself a table, I made a beeline for the counter to greet my best friend.

"Hey, M." I offered her a soft smile as I leaned on the counter. "Slow day?" I asked, nodding my head towards the empty restaurant.

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