45 | The Broken Hearts Club

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I love him.

I freaking love him.

That morning, as I eyed the snow falling past my bedroom window, I heaved a sigh. My head was full of thoughts of Archer—how is it that just when I thought I've moved on, he comes back, with my heart in tow?

Though, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised at the realization. I've spent majority of my high school years yearning for Archer, falling hopelessly in love with him. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise to find that I'm still in love with him, right?

Feelings don't fade just like that—that's not how love works.

Love endures.

I rolled over in bed, fulling expecting a view of morning Archer—something I would've killed for a few months ago. Yet, I was breathing very fast, my heart pounding furiously at the anticipation—

No one lay beside me in bed. 

It took a glance at my phone on the nightstand to remember: Archer left a few hours before; I had felt the mattress shift in weight when he got up and remembered I had texted Addie after he quietly shut the door behind him.

It took all of me to ignore the jab in my heart at the realization that he had broken his promise. This shouldn't bother me that much—but it did. I inhaled sharply. 

Lazily sitting up in bed, I pushed my overgrown fringe out of my eyes. "I suppose he shouldn't have stayed over, anyways," I mumbled to myself. "Why should he? It's not like I'm anything to him."

Reluctantly, I got up from bed and yawned sleepily before walking over to my dresser. I grabbed a purple hair tie and began pulling my tangled hair into a messy bun, not bothering with a comb.

It was when I had my hair tie perched between my teeth, one hand bunching my hair together, that out of the corner of my eye, I spotted my school bag and some of my school books scattered around it. 

The thought came as fast as my moving-on period lasted—a certain dashing physics teacher came to mind, and just like that, the terrible feeling was back—not because I was heartbroken but because I was afraid I was being the heartbreaker.  

The corners of my lips formed a frown at the thought of him—he who hasn't been in my thoughts in the last 24 hours. "This isn't fair to him," I said slowly, shaking my head in shame.

With that thought in mind, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and plopped onto my bed again.

Fingers trembling, I pulled up my contacts and scrolled all the way from 'Addie Hastings' to 'Carmen Diaz' until I found his name—Collin Donavan.

Morgan Darhk
Collin, let's end things. I'm sorry |

Staring blankly at the draft of my breakup text, I sighed inwardly because I knew how cheesy and lame and cowardly, above all things, it was to end things through chat.

But what other option did I have? School's out, and I certainly don't want to meet up with him. If there's one thing I'm sure of in this world, it's that I'm extremely weak-willed, and seeing him in person might convince me that breaking up with him isn't the right thing to do.

Breaking up with him in person—yeah, I didn't owe him that.

Besides, breaking up with him is ultimately the right choice—everyone thinks so. I'm sure. No regrets this time.

I sent the text.


A few hours later, someone was pounding quite aggressively on the door, and it startled me awake.

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