"oh nothing like that, it was just that I was feeling tired lately, the long hours in college and then special calls to prison...

"you should have stayed home na, I could have come alone..." he cut her off in a small voice as if he felt disappointed.

"Shishir... I wanted to come and we needed us, its been so long since we have together for a whole day, don't worry we'll be fine as the trip ends," she assured him and scooted close to him to hug him.

"We can wait for a few more hours before revealing it to papa, right little one !" she asked to the growing life as she brushed away a lone tear that made its way with no reason at all.

"Ma and papa want to visit us, I'll tell them we are coming back in a week so they can plan accordingly." he pulled her more close to her as much the seats allowed him. "Ma knows how to take care of her kids, and since you have become her favourite kid, I think you need her the most."

"Ma didn't say something like that when I talked with her this morning... she looked up to his eyes from the hug.

"Ma was suggesting to papa a few days back..." he told her and she noticed a smile on his lips.

"they can always come but don't bother them because of me...

"but you are not taking care of yourself so I need to...

"All we want is you... she whispered lowly.


It was a proud moment for her when Shishir was called on the podium to address the guests who belonged from different fields and were there to see one of his dreams turned reality.

"Since My wife herself deals with such cases I am more than certain that together we will work for the humanity and give our contribution towards a better world." he smiled to her when he mentioned her.

In the grey colour jacket and trousers pairing it with a pale white shirt, he was the only man she could ever lay his eyes on but more than that it was that kind smile he had nearly every second he was with someone.

She felt a set of emotions overpowering her when people around her took the direction of his eyes and landed on her with an appreciating smile.

After overcoming the slight blush on her cheeks she looked up and kept her eyes on him with a smile that mentioned how much happy she was at this moment.

After he was done he took the seat beside her and showed her the brochure with the details about the different programs they were going to start in the next few months.

Next two hours passed in meeting and greeting potential doners who were either big firm owners or big politicians.

They were back to their car to return to the hotel around 9:45 and her back was hurting a little.

But just when they approached the car, a group of feisty photographers approached them.since he had introduced his wife to everyone now they needed to click a few pictures of the couple to feed their buzz section next day.
It was one of those rarest moments in her life when she had to look herself whether she looked presentable or not, and after finding her chocolate brown saree with a thin border of simmer looking perfect to his tall frame she smiled to the cameras.

"We rarely have these moments.," she was quite surprised at that and now when they were heading to their hotel room she told him.

"because people rarely recognise a director but they certainly want to know about someone who works for society," he stated the facts.

Lonely with you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora