She wraps her arms around my neck and glances at Emerson, "She's pretty."

I chuckle, "I know." 

She tilts her head and asks, "What's her name?"


She smiles at Emerson and then turns to me and asks, "Is she your girlfriend?"

I press my lips together and Emerson rests her chin on my shoulder, "But he has cooties."

Her eyes widen and she looks at Em, "Really?!" she looks at me, "Uncle Chris you never told me you had cooties!"

I chuckle and say, "Well I try not to tell too many people. So shhh."

She nods and looks at Emerson, "You should'n kiss him then. You'll get 'em too."

Emerson scrunches up her nose, "I won't. And thanks for the tip."

Jemma looks at me and says, "Is his cheek safe?"

Emerson laughs and nods, kissing my cheek, "Perfectly safe."

Jemma kisses the other one and says, "I love you Uncle Chris."

"I love you too munchkin'."

I set her down and she runs off to find someone else. I wrap my arms around Em and say, "Nice save."

She presses her lips together, "She's a kid Christian, things like that matter."

"You were good with her," I point out.

She shrugs, "I like little kids. They're cute."

I bring her up against me and say, "Do you like kids enough to have any?"

She looks a little surprised by my question and says, "With kids comes marriage. I can't handle that."

I kiss her gently and say, "I think you can handle more than you believe. You have too much self doubt."

She looks at me surprised and says, "When did you start soudning like Dr. Fallon?"

"Hey I think I sound pretty great."

We both look up and sure enough he stands next to us, "Dr. Fallon."

He smiles and Emerson says, "Hello Dr. Fallon, Mrs. Fallon."

His wife smiles and Dr. Fallon says, "Your mother called yesterday, reminded me about the party, and she said you were bringing a date and that I just had to meet the girl."

I groan and Emerson laughs lightly. I squeeze her waist and Dr. Fallon says, "So who was the cute little girl?"

"Ah that was my cousins daughter Jemma."

"Ah yes, your Aunt Carol's granddaugher right? I believe that's what your mother said."

I nod, "Yeah that's her."


I sigh, "Speak of the devil."

Fallon grins, "I'll see the two of you later. Have fun."

I turn to see my Aunt Carol and she smiles and pinches my cheeks, "Oh Christian, is this her?"

Emerson slips her arms around my waist and I kiss the top of her head once my Aunt lets go, "It is, Aunt Carol this is Emerson, and Em this is my Aunt Carol, she's my dads sister."

"Oh it's so nice to meet you Emerson."

Emerson smiles and says, "It's nice to meet you too."

My aunt turns to me and says, "Now I've heard your brother is engaged! You know you're the same age Christian, you have to grow up sometime."

Not with a Fizzle, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now