Chapter 37

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Dr. Fallon sits across from me, a wry look on his face.

"So what happened?"

I grind my teeth together as I pace across the room, "Did you enjoy giving her a task that was nearly impossible for me?"

"Nearly, implying that you let her touch you."

I shoot him a dirty look, "That doesn't matter."

He sighs, "Christian, that's a break through. She's the only woman besides Victoria that has ever touched you without permisison correct?"

I nod, looking at him, "She was awfully cautious about that too, did you say something?"

He nods, "It slipped, I didn't know that wasn't a rule with her, although I guess I should have known. She wasn't that surprised, but I know she wanted to respect your boundries just as you've respected hers."

I nod and look out the window, "The difference with Em is that I trust her, and I know she trusts me. Those girls usually trust me for the wrong reasons."

"Not for the wrong, for their right. But Emerson isn't one of those girls Christian."

I smile slightly, meeting his gaze, "I know. She's much more than that."

"I know, I can tell. But are you reminding her of that?"

I nod, "Of course." 

"Do you love her?"

I gulp, "No."

He smile slightly, "I've been waiting for the day you'd hesitate on that question. With every girl I've waited. Three damn years."

I frown, "Do you think it's possible for an ex-sub to become...obsessive?"

He eyes me, "Is one of them giving you trouble?"

I shrug, "I'm not sure yet. I'm trying to find out. Someone called the office yesterday and tried harassing Em and then someone was in the parking garage with her. I've ordered Wes to drive her everywhere from now on. I don't want her to be alone."

He nods, "That's for the best."

"Will you tell her that?" I sigh, "She tried arguing about it this morning after our shower and-"

"Our shower? She spent the night?"

I gulp, "No, I spent the night. It's happened more than once."

He looks proud, "Hmm and you don't love her?"

"Not like that."

He shakes his head, "Like what?"

"Like what you're implying," I growl, "I care about her."

"You love her in a friendship type way."

"I never said that."

"But you implyed it."

I sigh and breathe out in relief when his phone rings, he puts it on speaker, "Fallon."

It's Emerson Sinclair, I didn't by chance leave my phone there did I?

He frowns and looks at me, I turn to look at the couch, "It's not here," I say.

He frowns, "It's not here Emerson. You sure you didn't leave it at home?"

She sighs, I would have picked it up from my nightstand. It wasn't there this morning.

I frown, "It was there last night."

Christian? Ugh I'm sorry, I told that girl not to put me through if you were in there.

Fallon chuckles, "Hmm I may have told her that if you ever called during his appointment to put you through. My bad. But it's good because I have a question for the both of you."

Not with a Fizzle, But with a Bang (The Bang Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now