Alex Grey

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I once knew a person named Alex Grey
Who went by the pronouns them and they.
Grey loved to dance and sing and write,
But when they came out, their parents called it 'not right'.
The small household fought for days 'til they said
'Enough. That's disgusting. Now head off to bed.'
Alex cried all night, for they loved their family,
But their family hated them, and they couldn't live happily.
The next morning when Alex woke up,
They were banned to the streets so peace they wouldn't disrupt.

They fought for their life on that dingy old street,
Hoping and praying for an angel to meet.
"I don't deserve this," they said to themself.
"I don't want to die or worry for my health.
I'm still just a kid, young and pure;
Someone has to understand me. For sure."

As Alex sobbed and wept and cried,
God looked down from Heaven and said, "Come to the skies.
I love you and care for you, don't fret, my child.
The world's a harsh place and can sometimes be wild.
Up here, looking down, I'm ashamed of this place
And what they have done to a different race,
A different mindset, a new way of thinking.
They shun out pure people without even blinking.
Come join me up here where you'll be adored
And being nonbinary will not be abhorred."

Alex smiled with tears in their eyes
As they laughed in pure joy, arms raised to the skies.
God called on their name with a grin on his face,
Elated he could take Alex from this sin-tainted place.
It was on that day Alex joined God in the sky,
Content and happy watching the wicked world go by
As they laughed and cried, for they were finally accepted,
In one of the ways that they least expected.

Yes, I knew Alex, for I am their parent.
A horrible one, I know, for I was adherent
To an ugly belief, one that cost me my kid,
And I would give anything to undo what I did.
I know that can't happen, so instead I tell this story,
A sad one at that, scary, though it's not particularly gory.
Don't push people away, like my nonbinary child.
Change for them, understand them, even if it might take you a while,
Because you don't want to lose them over he, she, and they
Like I did to my precious, beloved child Alex Grey.

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