▪️Chapter 30▪️

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"Come on, sweetheart. You can do this," encouraged Lucas, staring at the raven-haired girl in amusement.

Elena shook her head and took a step back, clutching her ski jacket closer to her body. "No way."

"Come on, just try it. I'm sure you'll be fine." he stretched out his hand for her to take. "See? Even Eri and Cole are doing it."

"Nah. Those two just make it seem easy." she pointed at Cole and Erilian who rushed past them, crisscrossing around each other before skiing down the mountains like professionals. "It's way harder than you think. I'm in favour of not making a fool out of myself."

Lucas laughed and turned to the side. "I don't see why you can't try. Even Andrea is trying it," he said motioning towards Andrea who was holding on to Jason as he lectured on what to do before he started to help her practice.

"Still no," said Elena. "I'm going back inside. I'd rather work on my last song."

"Oh no you don't," said Lucas taking her arm. "We came here to ski and that's what we're gonna do," he said firmly with a mischievous grin.

"No way!" she exclaimed, trying to free her arm. "You have no idea how bad I am at this. The first time I tried it, I ended up with a sprained ankle."

"Yes, but this time you have me," he argued.

"And last time I had a professional trainer," she shot back. "There is absolutely no way you're getting me on that thing," she stated with crossed arms and chin raised in defiance.

Lucas suddenly grinned wickedly and his eyes lit as if to say 'challenge accepted'.


Cole swirled around, waiting for Erilian to appear when suddenly, a good amount of snow sprayed him. He looked up, stunned, to see a laughing Erilian clutching her stomach. "Low blow, Lian, real low," he said brushing off the snow from his dark jacket.

"Oh, come on, you big baby. It was just snow." she laughed placing her hands on her waist.

Cole studied her skiing outfit before he grinned. "Have I told you how amazing you look today?"

"No, but I'd love to hear more," she said striking a pose. He laughed and pulled her closer and she wrapped her hands around his neck. They leaned towards each other when suddenly,

"Aaaaah! Lucas! you dimwit!"

The two froze as Elena went flying passed them screaming her head off, Lucas following right behind her. she fell while she rolled in the snow and came to an abrupt stop before she groaned in pain. Lucas was quickly beside her. The two looked at each other before they were by her side as well. "My God, El? Are you alright?" Erilian asked her with a worried expression.

Elena glared at Lucas who was shaking in silent laughter before she looked up at her sister with a blank expression followed by sarcasm. "Do I look alright to you?" She stood up refusing help from Lucas and instead let Cole help her up before she brushed off the snow.

"What happened?" asked Jason who suddenly appeared with Andrea by his side.

"Are you guys alright?" asked Andrea looking at all of them.

"We're fine, I'm not sure about Kitty tho," said Cole watching Elena who was brushing snow away from her legs and arms muttering something that sounded like 'I told him, I told him this was a bad idea'.

"I convinced Elena to try and ski when she refused since that was the whole point we came here today in the first place. I helped her smoothly ski down then halfway then I decide to let her go when I was sure she could do it," Lucas explained his side of the story, slightly shaking his head. "Big mista-"

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