▪️Chapter 14▪️

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Monday morning, everyone was still talking about Matt's party. Erilian and Andrea were currently changing in the girl's locker room. The other girls had already left except for the group of girls in the corner. "Did you know that everyone is still talking about Matt's party?" asked Erilian turning to face Andrea, fully clothed in her gym outfit.

"I know," laughed Andera who was tying her shoes. "Come on, Jason is probably waiting outside."

"Wait, hold up, I'm waiting for someone," said Erilian looking at the door of the girl's locker room.

"Who are-" Andrea was cut off by the snickers from the group of girls that were watching her with clear hatred. When Andrea looked up at them her expression changed. She gave them a blank look but her eyes burned with hatred.

"Who are they?" asked Erilian watching the four girls glare at Andrea.

Andrea didn't say anything and instead, the girls walked up to them. The leader of the group, a tall brunette stepped forward. "Why the hell are you hanging out with her?" she asked Erilian motioning towards Andrea.

"I was bound to make other friends at some point you know," scoffed Andrea glaring at the girl.

The girl ignored Andrea and continued looking at Erilian. "She's bad news," said the girl sneering at Andrea. "You should stay as far away from her as you can before she decides to stab you in back-"

"What did you say?!" exclaimed Andrea standing up to face the girl with a hard stare.

"You heard her! You and your horrible family! All you know is how to stab people in the back isn't it?" said a blonde girl shoving Andrea back.

"Hey!" exclaimed Erilian pushing the girl back. "Don't touch her!"

"And what are you going to do about it?" asked the blonde glaring at Erilian.

The brunette pulled the other girl back. "If you know what's best for you, you'll stay away from trash like her," she told Erilian pointing at Andrea. "She's bat-shit crazy, her and her damn brother-"

"Don't you dare say a word about him," hissed Andrea pointing a threatening finger at the girl.

The girl scoffed and was about to answer back when Erilian cut her off. "Listen here you plastic fake," she sneered at her with a deadly glare. "I don't know what your problem with her is and frankly I don't care, all I know is that she's my friend and I will not let you talk to her that way."

The girls watched Erilian before looking at Andrea who looked like she was about to knock someone out. Deciding it wasn't worth it, the brunette took a step back. "I'm warning you, you will regret the day you became her friend."

Andrea took a threatening step forward while Erilian held her back. The two glared at the girls who walked out. When they heard the door close Andrea sighed in relief and sat down hanging her head. "You okay?" asked Erilian regarding the redhead with a worried expression.

Andrea absurdly stoop up and headed towards the opposite door and yanked it open, intending to leave. Elena stood on the other side with her hand in the air like she was about to reach for the doorknob, a surprised expression on her face. Andrea said nothing and walked passed her. Elena looked at her in confusion before turning to Erilian who was calling out to Andrea while she followed her. Erilian caught up to her and grabbed her arm to make her stop. "Andrea, wait! Talk to me."

Andera looked up at her with teary eyes before looking away and wiping her eyes. Elena was standing next to her sister watching Andrea with a worried frown. "What's going on?"

"Andrea, what happened back there?" pleaded Erilian. "Just talk to me."

Andrea shook her head taking a step back. "I can't stay here right now," she said gently.

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