▪️Chapter 39▪️

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The next morning, music could be heard from the kitchen as Elena and her father cooked breakfast while Mrs Matthews went upstairs to wake up the other three girls who were fast asleep to have a family breakfast before they all gathered at the table.

"Pass me the Strawberry jam, would ya?" asked Iris who was sitting across from her sister on the breakfast table. Their father was sitting at the head of the table, their mother to his right, Elena to his left, Iris was sitting next to Elena while Erilian sat next to her mother, and Ivylen was next to her.

"Sure," said Erilian and passed it to her. "So what are you all doing today?" she asked looking at each of them while they were all busy filling their plates.

"Well, your mother and I are heading over to the company after this, to meet with the board, not sure what you kids are going to be doing," said their father who was applying butter to his toast.

"What do you girls have planned?" asked their mother who was pouring coffee.

"I have a Christmas party to attend," said Elena, who was cutting up her bacon and eggs. "And no, none of you are invited," she added when she saw the look on Ivylen's face who immediately slumped in her chair, pouting.

"Eli, why not let your sisters go with you? I'm sure you'll enjoy their company," said her mother with a sad frown.

"Right? I thought you would be thrilled to have your sisters back and want to hang out with them. You will have a lot of fun," said her father.

Elena eyed both her parents blankly. "Really now?" she asked raising a patronizing eyebrow at the two who looked at each other then back at her. "Well then, why not take them with you to the company for the day?"

Her father scoffed. "Never going to happen. I would rather not see the company fall into ruins in a day," he said before he could stop himself.

"Mom?" Elena turned her mother who immediately looked away mumbling something about how she was turning the tables on them unfairly while the other girls looked at their parents in disbelief.

"Even me?" asked Erilian pointing at herself. "I get those two," she motioned towards Ivylen and Iris who looked offended. "but me too?"

Her parents both refused to meet her gaze. "Sweetie, are you done with breakfast? I'm ready to leave," said their mother to her husband, standing up while the three girls gaped at her and Elena snickered.

"I am, let's go," said their father following their mother as the two quickly left.

"Well that was interesting," commented Elena standing up. "I'm leaving, I'll see you, girls, later or tomorrow," she smirked at their dumbfounded looks and picked up some grapes, biting into them before she left.

"Traitors! All of you!" Iris finally exploded when she regained her senses and sunk into her chair. "That little minx, I can't believe her," she mumbled. "And to think we came all this way to see her."

Ivylen hummed in agreement, sulking on the table. "They all suck, even our own parents," she mumbled.

"Eh, you know how El is, you love her and think you know exactly what she's about to do but she will keep on surprising you." Erilian shook her head. "Anyway, I was planning of head over to Nana, you girls wanna come?" Erilian asked the two who beamed at her like she was their saviour.

"Sure!" they both agreed.


"Don't you dare touch that, Charles!" Elena exclaimed in annoyance when she saw him from the corner slowly making his way towards the counter where she had placed her lemon icecream cake. She had just finished preparing the potato salad and was waiting for the roasted chicken to finish in the oven when Charles had walked into the kitchen wearing a red dress shirt and black trousers and socks. She had only ever seen him wearing a suit so the fact that a red Christmas hat was laying on his head was quite surprising to her.

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