64 • never

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The three teens slowly followed the woman who dragged Jisung out of the store. As soon as they were out of the store, they saw the woman and Jisung getting into a car.

"Whomst the fuck is that?" Haechan furrowing his eyebrows, looking at Jisung, who looks uncomfortable around the woman.

"Quick stop a cab-" Jaemin said, as Chaemin quickly looked around for a cab, which fortunately there's a cab there. She quickly stopped the cab, as the three teens quickly hop onto the cab. They quickly told the driver to follow the car right infront of them.

A few minutes later, the car infront of them stopped outside of a house. The teens stopped and payed for their cab, as they sneakily trying to hide themselves from the woman and Jisung. The woman dragged Jisung into the house harshly, then slamming the front door.

"She must be his foster mother," Chaemin muttered, as she glanced at the house.

"She's definitely on her period-" Haechan said, about to burst out loud when suddenly, they heard the sound of glass shattering from Jisung's house.

"well shits about to go down..."

"we're gonna be ✨spies✨"

"how the fuck did you just say the emojis out loud-"

"Renjun taught me.."


Jaemin, Haechan and Chaemin are standing outside of Jisung's house. They sneakily peek through the window, which were opened widely. As they took a glance over the window, their jaw drops.

"oh my gosh..." Chaemin said, tears about to fall, seeing Jisung got abused by the woman and a man.

"Who the fuck hit people while the goddamn window is opened widely-" Haechan said but got cut off by Jaemin.

"Donghyuck, not the time" Jaemin said, as he rushed through the front door, trying to open it.

"dang sorry, I used to be a victim too," Haechan said again, as he looked at Chaemin, who seems to be terrified at the sight. Haechan pulled her closer, hugging her as he took out his phone.

The door was locked, without hesitating, Jaemin quickly force the door open, as Haechan took some pictures for evidence and quickly called the police from the outside.

The forced of the door slamming could be heard throughout the house.

The woman and the man, who the teens assume to be Jisung's foster parents, looked up at Jaemin who started to become angry. He became a different person, again. His eyes had warped into a miserable black, as he step infront of Jisung, pushing the man and woman away from Jisung.

Jisung looked up at Jaemin, shooked at how he suddenly came out of nowhere. His father was about to throw a punch on Jaemin, which he easily dodge it and return the punch at the man.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" The man growled angrily, as he tried throwing another punch at Jaemin, which he dodge easily again.

"Why the fuck are you abusing your own son-"

"He was never our son in the first place," The woman cuts off Jaemin, as she tried to reach over Jisung but again, Jaemin shoved her away from Jisung.

On the other hand, Haechan is calling the police while Chaemin is still watching them, shakingly out of fear.

"fuck, I need to get Jisung out of there-"

"CHAEMIN NO-" Haechan tried to stop the girl, but she had already entered the house. Haechan too, followed the girl.

"Jisung oh my god- Let's get out of here!!" Chaemin run towards Jisung, followed by Haechan as they helped the boy stand up.

"Chaemin?! Haechan-hyung?! Get out it's dangerous here-"

"YES IT IS DANGEROUS INDEED HENCE WHY I'M GETTING YOU OUT OF HERE," Chaemin said, helping Jisung to stand up when suddenly, the woman took out a knife out of nowhere, trying to attack them with the knife causing Chaemin to have a cut on her cheeks while Haechan on his hands. The two teens winced at the cuts, stepping back from everyone.

"CHAEMIN, HYUNG-" Jisung looked at his friends who got injured by his foster mother

"MOTHER PLEASE STOP-" Jisung quickly stand up and went to his foster mother, hugging her legs, begging her to stop.

"I was never your mother-" Jisung's foster mother got cut off by the sound of siren outside their house.

"HANDS UP IN THE AIR!!" The police have finally arrive. Jisung's mother dropped the knife while his father let go of Jaemin, as the police officers quickly puts handcuffs on them.

Haechan and Chaemin quickly check on Jaemin and Jisung, as they looked at the pair of couple getting arrested by the police.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I GETTING ARRESTED-" Jisung took a glance at his foster parents, who's looking at him while trying to free their hands.

The teens stood up, as they slowly walked out of the house.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT?! QUICK HELP YOUR MOTHER!" The woman yelled shaking her body aggressively, still trying to free herself.

Jisung turned around to look at his foster parents.

"Like you always said," Jisung took a deep breathe, then continued his word.

"I was never your son"

Bro this chapter is a little too messy i'm so- 💀✋ I hope y'allsters understand wtf did i just wrote

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Bro this chapter is a little too messy i'm so- 💀✋ I hope y'allsters understand wtf did i just wrote.

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