Driving Adventure

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Mal, Olivia, and Sebastain all sighed as they sat in Mal's room playing with her toys as they were having a playdate. They were forbidden from playing outside and Mal's sister Lola who was supposed to be babysitting them while Evie was busy with work as she had a meeting with a client was using the Tv. "I'm hungry!" Sebastian told the two who just nodded. "Yeah I am too!" The young four year old told her friends.

"Yeah! Do you got anything good here," The seven year old asked the young four year old who just shook her head no. "No the only good snacks we have left is strawberries and you can't have my strawberries because they are mine!" The four year old told her older friends who just sighed.

"Don't worry about it I don't even like fruits anyway! You don't have any chips or soda or candy!" Olivia asked her friend in shock and Mal just shook her head no again. "I'm not allowed to have that stuff very much, so mommy barely buys any and I'm out of my stash because mommy found out and took it away," Mal told her friends who just groaned.

"But we need it!" Olivia screamed out and Sebastain nodded. "Yeah! I want some Swedish Fish!" Sebastian told the two who just nodded.

"Okay! Come on let's go see if Lola will take us to get some!" The young preschooler told her friends as she ran over to her big sister who was watching Tv. "Lola! Lola! Lola!" Mal told Lola as she stood in front of the TV causing Lola to groan as she had been watching it.

"Mal what are you doing! I'm trying to watch Tv! I thought you and your friends were playing," Lola told the preschooler in frustration as she had been invested in her show. "We are but we're hungry!" Mal told her big sister, making Lola sigh as she looked at the three kids. "Then go get some food. You know where it is," Lola told the kids as she didn't understand what Mal was getting at.

"But we don't have anything good!" Mal whined out making Lola sigh in frustration. "Mal there is food here. I am not taking you to get food just because you don't like the food here. Now if you will excuse me I was in the middle of a show," Lola told Mal who just groaned as she ran back over to her friends. "She won't take us! She said we have food here," the small girl whined out making Olivia just smile as she got an idea.

"Okay well then we are just gonna have to go get some ourselves because I'm really hungry and you don't have anything good here! Mal where does your sister keep her keys," Olivia asked her friend who just looked at Olivia in confusion and so did Sebastian.

"These are Lola's keys, but why do we need them," Mal asked her older friend who just smiled as she grabbed the keys. "Follow me," Olivia told the younger two who followed after her as they reached Lola's car and Olivia smiled while the younger two just looked at the car in shock.

"Olivia you can't drive!" Sebastian told his older cousin as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Olivia just laughed as she unlocked the car. "That's not true! I drive my pink car all the time! This is the same thing just bigger!" The seven year old told the two younger kids as she climbed into the driver's seat of Lola's car as Lola was too invested in her show to even notice that kids had snuck out.

"I guess that's true! Mal you coming!" Sebastian told his friend as he got into the car and buckled up. Mal just sighed as she knew her mommy would freak out if she ever found out, but she did want candy and soda plus her friends were doing it and it looked fun. And her mommy wasn't even home anyway. "Yeah I'm coming too! But I call driving home!" The small four year old screamed out as she climbed into the car as well and buckled up.

"Whoo! Go faster!" The two younger kids screamed out to the slightly older girl excitedly and the girl just laughed. "Okay hold on!" Olivia screamed out as she pushed harder on the breaks making the car accelerate faster causing the kids to all laugh.

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