Chapter 25

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"Hey, that's really rude, Princess Eleanor!" Another boy from the arrogant boy's  pack voiced up.

"And who are you to say that?" Eleanor's sharp gaze snapped at the boy.

"Whaaaa....I, i--i-" he slutterred,"See you don't even know who I am! You have so arrogance!"

The boy shouted whatever came to his mind.

Like the gasps weren't enough, the angry faces of Martin and Rose was scaring him even more.

" I don't know why but, I really want to punch you hard on you face you know." Another voice, a familiar one to Eleanor spoke.

Everyone turned to where the voice was coming from, to be greeted by all the capture targets of the novel.

" Mr  Karl, please don't meddle in my business." Eleanor turned to look annoyingly at Karl, who was surprised at her reaction.

"....and you, I don't know where you have learnt your manners but, I'd be so grateful if you tell me your name."

"I--I am Terrial. Terrial Blue, son of Duke Blue." He replied with least bit of confidence.

"Terrial Blue," Rael's eyes went up in a thinking motion," I'm so sorry, but after now, I'll definitely remember you." She smiled scarily at Terrial, making him slutter out.

"I--i--i didn't mean to-"

"Hey, stop scaring Terry!" Another boy, this time wearing specs said irritatedly to Eleanor.

After a moment of silence the specs one turned to face Eleanor who was now glaring at him.

The fuck.

The boy thought, as he stepped back in sudden fear.

"Listen to me carefully, now," Eleanor's eyes glittered in anger as she looked down at the boys like ants in a tree.

"As a royal it is my duty to protect my citizens, but as a citizen it's your responsibility to know how to respect the royals."


The silent auditorium was enough to say that everyone was stunned by Eleanor's reply.

The boys just blinked as they couldn't think of anything to say back. 

"Now, if you meddle in my business again, I'll seriously forget that your a son of some influencual family, and break your legs into half."
"What...." The arrogant boy blinked along with Terrial and the others, shocked at Eleanor's threat.

"Pft.." Noah tried to hold back his laugh, making tears form inside his eyes. He placed his another hand at Monte's shoulder and to his surprise saw it shaking with laughter too.

Realizing that even Monte is laughing he glanced at Peter, Karl and Henry, and saw them trying to hold their laughter too.

Then, his eyes glanced away from them and settled back to Eleanor and for a moment his heart fluttered at her face.


He thought and smiled warmly.

...but little did he know that a blonde invisible god - guy behind him was thinking the exact thing at the moment.


"Hey, you had to have a fight on the first day?" Harry, a boy from the arrogant group's pack, sighed as he sat down on his class bench.

He could hear the girls around him whispering and shooting love arrows on his back, but he just ignored it.

"Shut up man." The arrogant boy, Warner, brushed his hair making him look damn hot in front of the girls.

"Kyyyyyaaaàaa" they fan girled.

"Terrial, I don't think she is the type of person to just keep quiet." Harry turned and tried to reason with Terrial, who was quietly listening to everything.

"Of course, what do you expect."

The five turned around and saw Monte enter their classroom with a logbook on his hand.

Everyone stood up and greeted their class administrator. In every academy the first years have a administrator from the upper class. This year it was Monte for their section.

"I've known Princess Eleanor since she was a baby, and believe me, she isn't someone who forgets or forgives," Monte said as he started taking rounds around the seats jotting down the names of the students," so, I'd warn you to be cautious. As you know, she takes the academy's policy very seriously,  that when you're in a academy your status doesn't matter."

He shrugged in the end making the boys unusually scared.

At last he reached  Warner's seat and started writing down his name.

"But how would you know that?" Warner questioned him, making Monte stop writing for a moment.

Then smiling in a bitter way, remembering an unfond memory, he turned around and answered Warner's question before going ahead to the next student.

"Just experience."


Meanwhile, in the other section of the same class, people were whispering around and making acquaintance with each other.

"Hey why did Princess Eleanor talk so rudely to me? I was just tryna help!" Karl said to his friends. They were standing outside Eleanor's class.

"Well, you should probably ask her. Jokes. I mean, you have stayed with her long enough to know that she hates us right?"

Henry replied as he looked at Karl in a exhausted manner, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, and on top of that she hates it even more when someone tries to involve themselves into her matter." Peter further said.

"But she doesn't mind Rose and Martin, idiot." Karl replied back to Peter.

"You idiot, they are her friends, what do you expect?" Peter shot back, a annoyed look on his face.

"So? We have known her since she was 6 how can she not trust us? If it were anyone else, who had someone so long back, they would have atleast trust them enough to argue in their behalf." Karl exploded, angry that no one was agreeing with him.

"We are talking about Eleanor, Karl, not just anyone else," Noah spoke for the first time since then, " and with her childhood? Do you really expect something normal after her childhood?"

And that finally made Karl stop saying anything. Or anyone else.

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