Chapter 23

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[3 years later]

Morning was up. It was around 5 am, but the princess was still awake. Consumed in a deep conversation with someone. It was a he.

"I suppose that's true!" Eleanor or Rael exclaimed.

"Of course, when your a god you tend to be bored because you have everything, so there's no excitement or trill left for anything more." Ruda further elaborated with his hands, a small smile playing his lips.

"Yeah sure, but--" before Eleanor could finish her question, her eyes alarmed as soon as she noticed the grandpa clock near her closet.


She scowled, annoyed at herself for not realizing how much time had passed. Turning to look at Ruda, she pushed him down the bed, taking him by surprise.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, look at the time. It's fucking 5 am!!" Rael said, hastily laying down in bed.

"Ah, it's not that late though." Ruda shrugged, completely knowing that yeah, it was quite late.

Rael, who was pulling blanket over herself, stopped and turned to look at Ruda in a suspicious manner.

"You knew didn't you?"


"Seriously? You knew the time was so late, didn't ya?"

"Ummm...I, did notice that the sky was getting brighter, but I swear I didn't know it was so early." He replied in somehow a lame way.

Yeah sure.

Rael thought sarcastically, before waving her hand. As she waved, some small smoke started evaporating and then,


A small creature appeared. If generally anyone would see from afar, it would seem like a giant lizard. But no, it wasn't that simple.

This was a legendary dragon, Rael, to her own surprise, summoned on the mating day. And yeah, dragons are supposed to be big and powerful, but these legendary ones, tend to small their bodies to conserve more power.

"Kiko, can you please throw out this goddamn God out of the window?" Rael smiled scarily at Kiko, the dragon.

"Kiiiiiiiii" it squealed, and turned to face Ruda.

"Okay, wait. There's seriously been some misunderstanding. I didn't mean to lie to you about it. Rael, I," Ruda took a deep breath, his face of a conflicted one, before turning slightly red," I, didn't want our time to end."

Rael surprised stopped dead, her eyes examining the flushed God in front of her.

"Ah, okay. Then, goodbye." At last Ruda spoke before dissapiaring in a hurry, quite disspointed at Rael's reaction.

"Kyaaaaaaaa???" Kiko's voice brought Rael back from her surprise, and smile gently at the tilted head of Kiko.
" Hey, Ella, I'm so excited! What about you, huh?" A eight year old Rose grabbed Eleanor's hand, looking around the big hall, that was nothing more than completely white.

"This building, is completely--"


"And blank."

Rael and Martin nodded at each other, not aware of other five eyes that were staring at them from a distance.

After everyone had assembled and settled down, the mating ceremony began.

First, a big Dumbledore kinda man appeared out of the blue. Followed by series of other people, who, were also known as teachers of the academy.

"A very bright morning to you all," the Dumbledore man, also the principal, boomed.

"Wow, clearly he's the headmaster. His voice attracts so much attention." Rose whispered to Rael.

"As you know, you all will be entering the academy in three years time, and there we will meet again. So let's save the speeches for that, and continue the ceremony." The principal's hand went in a upright motion.

After the speech ended, everyone turn by turn came down, or rather up to the stage and put their hands on the holy circle, which was kind of like a ball. The ball announced their powers and abilities to other students.

At last it was Rael's turn.

Hmmmm Monte and other capture targets had got all the rare abilities and creature, as per the novel. That means even mine is going to be the same as that.

Rael thought as she ascended up the stairs. Many eyes were on her, but she didn't seem disturbed at all. Her poker face and the charmistic dress she was wearing made the boys only in awe of her.

She placed her hand on the circle and then,

*Bam* a bright light appeared and a crack came upon the circle. Confused Rael turns to look at the principal for an explanation, but he only smiles at her mysteriously.

"Heaven forbid! This child is gifted with the psychic ability. The legendary dragon as her creature and the God as her guardian! She is---" before the ball could finish, the principal spoke up.

"So now, let's see the creature Princess Eleanor had summoned." Giving a certain look to the ball.

The holy circle understanding the situation, went forward with the ceremony like nothing happened. But no one could ignore the fact that everyone was staring at Eleanor with envy, jealousy and curiousity.

Then the holy circle produced a deep smoke, a rather sweet one, and just like that, the dragon, which later Rael named as Kiko, appeared.

After Rael, it was Angelina's turn. Yeah, so the typical heroine had the typical kinda ability, the holy light.

But yeah, everyone agrees with me that Rael's psychic was cooler right?

And that's how the ceremony ends, without the heroine getting much attention.
This year, when they are 11, they are entering the academy. Leaving Monte, Karl and Henry who entered the academy last year; Eleanor, Rose, Martin, Noah and Peter are joining this year.

"Hey the academy starts next month!!! Aren't you excited??" Rose squealed as soon as the trio sat down to have a tea in Eleanor's restroom.

"Yeah, but," Martin turned to look at Rael," what's wrong with your face?"

"Hmm?," Eleanor replied being dozed off for a moment.

"No, no nothing's wrong." She sighed.

But before Martin could inquire more, the door of the restroom burst open. Trio turned around to face the people they were expecting.

"Hey, Princess Eleanor, I'd like you to help me please." Noah, said, his breathing heavy, as he points out at something that his hanging on his arm. No it was not something it was someone, and who else it could be beside Angelina?

As Noah stopped in the door to catch a breath, the other targets entered the room.

"Hey, Eleanor, we came to have a tea with you." Monte smiled at Rael.

To anyone, this simple phrase would seem like a normal interaction between siblings, but in this case? It was a gesture, no, more like a signal, which stated," I want to have a match with you."

Which was common for them, as they were not allowed to fight with their legendary pets, they had to do it secretly. Which was quite fun.

Calmly taking a sip of her tea, she raised her head and smiled in a not so smiling way.

"That would be wonderful, Prince Monte."

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