Chapter 64 "Candle"

Start from the beginning

Peter froze in realization from his spider sense being triggered by Danny and he quickly let go of Danny's wrist who also looked a bit surprised. Peter had walked out of the room as he felt his heart beating rapidly from the sudden "threat" by Danny...the spider sense was seeing Danny as a threat to him now. Danny stood silently but the silence broke by typing sounds from the keyboard on the computer and he turns around and sees Ward who had awkwardly been involved in their small lover's quarrel.

Danny:You're still here?

Ward:You two should have argued outside...why did you have to do it in front of me?!

Danny:You should have left if you didn't like it

Ward:How awkward would that be if I just walked out and allowed you two to keep fighting and wait outside until you were finished?! Plus you allowed your boyfriend to listen about this break in and yet you kicked him out saying you don't want him in your sure are a liar

Danny:I didn't mean to say it like that. I didn't expect that this would be serious...

Ward:From how you were acting it sounded like you know the person and didn't want Peter to find out...who is it?

Danny:...someone who Peter doesn't like...and the person doesn't like him either so you can tell why I don't want Peter to be with me during my talks with him

Ward:Who is it? From what he looked like he looks like a ninja and you two know some martial do you know the person?

Danny:Unfortunately I's my brother from K'un L'un. He's been exiled from the city and after helping me with a case there I repaid him to stay in one of the houses in New Jersey

Ward:You did what...?! You gave a random stranger who I don't know, a house to stay in?!

Danny:Yeah...he's my older brother and we've been friends since we were kids and I just want to know what made him corrupted and I just want to help him out...but now you know that Peter and him don't get along

Ward:If he did stole from the company lab then do you know why?

Danny:I don't...that's why I'm going alone to talk to him and force the confession out of him

Ward:Okay then shouldn't we call the police?

Danny:If you do that then he'll manage to escape or kill every single one if them if he sees them

Ward:Which more reason of why we should lock him up!

Danny:We're not calling the police. I don't want to be involved in a police case and risk the company, so just trust me when I say that I can handle this myself

Ward:...shit...then fine! But I'm driving you! Your guy was right of you being crippled and you shouldn't go alone

Danny:So you're approving him now?

Ward:I only approve him wearing the costume and as long as he doesn't hurt you then I'm fine with it

Danny:And here I thought you would put on more of a fight of me dating a guy because of my "public image"

Ward:I did had a problem with it in the beginning but now I just don't care...we'll just let Jeri handle the press and lawsuits of homophobic companies so you shouldn't worry about it

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