⤟ the keeper ⤠

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Dragons were always feared

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Dragons were always feared. Going back to the time when the magic, kings and queens, slavery and the supernatural existed, even then Dragons were the outcasts. They were overpowered, majestic, and considered dangerous to the world of humans and magicians alike.

But that was a story woven with rumors and lies. Dragons were surely huge and a little dangerous but so is every living being in the world, if your home, your family is troubled we all are dangerous. The humungous looking dragons who can breathe fire were viewed as either enemy or someone to be avoided or ignored.

As magicians grew they tried to convince humans to leave in freedom, to leave without fear. They started planning to eliminate us all. Because that is the sensible option, not befriend something first, kill them. Among those researcher magicians were Rune Castors or the one who made runes that could enchant people, make people do their bidding, kill people, enslave them, and basically make them do anything.

Well, and they said dragons were bad.

Among all the ones who hated or feared us, there is always the one who is kind enough or curious enough to give everyone and everything a chance, the dragon keeper.

While a massacre of dragon species was launched by Rune Castors and history blamed it on us calling the event the Dragon's purge, like we wanted to burn towns down. Dragons kept to themselves, even served as the point of attack and defense for some kings, and just existed and despite our scary outer shell and demeanor we were kind of cool or that's how I have heard from all the Dragon supports and people who came from dragon lineage.

A rogue magician who hated the idea od killing dragons set out to free them, to help them live and escape and hide. He turned them into half-humans. Most of the dragons disagreed with it because their identity will be lost and they will not stoop low to a point to become a human and the one who killed us. Some even tried to harm the dragon keeper and his mini followers.

I mean there is good and bad in all clans, right?

My ancestor was the one that agreed to it. The dragon keeper turned them into half human and half dragon with the freedom to run and turn into a dragon whenever they wanted.

But the evil doesn't stop here, Rune castors caught up with us. Half of the followers of Dragon keepers were killed, while all the turned dragons were left alive with golden swirled runes, a chain that would torment them and their generations for life as our body would want to change into a dragon from time to time while those chains cause us immense pain at it confined us in the human body.

I was born with that pain, curse whatever you call it. Later many dragons who survived married humans and had kids, some with power and some without but with time the dragon line kept vanishing just as Rune Castors wanted and planned.

And yet there was no hope for me.

But one time my shaman told me a myth when I was shrieking in so much pain and tried to end myself, she told me how the dragon keeper's line also continued, how in every century someone is born as a keeper who would have a rune to free me, free the dragon in me. And she blessed me that I would find one.

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