Chapter 28: Mother knows best

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Simultaneously it had been the worst and best week of Ezra's life.

The best parts had been an indescribable feeling of liberation. The freedom of acting upon his own volition, doing what he wants, giving Colby a blowjob. Isolated, those aspects were fantastic. Especially when he was at school and surrounded by people who genuinely cared about him.

However, once school ended and those people all returned to their homes, reality would strike Ezra to remind him that he no longer had that privilege. He hadn't thought going home to be much of a privilege when he could do it; as it would often lead to him either being yelled at by his father or simply returning to a house too cold and too big for one person alone.

As soon as the school day is over, he is forced to -once again- obsess over the fact that his own father kicked him out and his own mother refuses to help.

He'd been sleeping in his car at the school car park for the past week. Nobody really questioned it as he tended to stay late after school anyway to avoid going home. He still had access to his bank account so he wasn't starving and he used the showers in the gym and the school bathroom for other hygiene matters.

Maybe his father was right. Maybe he should've been more grateful for the roof over his head and having his own bed. But, then again, isn't that just the bare necessities you're supposed to give your child? If so, somebody should tell his parents about this radical idea.

On Saturday evening, he had spent the evening eating a warm meal with Colby's family and lounging on Colby's bed. It was a welcome distraction.

Ezra was lying on Colby's chest with his arms wrapped around his torso as Colby gave him a shoulder massage. Sleeping in the car wasn't exactly good for your back. "I just don't believe salmonella is real, I mean, how can you get sick from an egg? You're just eating a chicken's period. How can that make you ill? I don't know, maybe I'm just built different." Colby rambled nonsensically.

Ezra laughed. "Something about the way you're built is definitely different. A brain malfunction perhaps?"

Colby dug his elbow into Ezra's shoulder causing him to groan. "Oi! I'm giving you a back massage, the least you can do is listen to my thoughts and try to catch up with my progressive way of thinking."

"Progressive? That's a big word for you, Colby." Ezra teased, turning his head up to give Colby a boyish smile.

Colby dug both his elbows into Ezra's back.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow." Ezra whined. He didn't move away from Colby but instead just hugged him even harder. Eventually, Colby let up his attack once Ezra had pleaded for mercy.

"You staying the night?" Colby asked. "I have to go to Sophie's church thing at 6:30 but I should be back by 8ish, you can stay here till I get back?"

"Can't." Ezra replied. He was thoroughly disappointed that he couldn't stay, although, Colby's new habit of inviting Ezra to stay over as often as he could was very endearing. "I'm meeting with someone tonight."


"My mom."


How long had it been since Ezra had last seen his mom in person? Four years? Three? They would sometimes talk on the phone, but other than that...

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