"I guess... It's probably time to get prepared, let not keep the people waiting then."

I got up from the chair and left the room with Hajime.


I'm really looking forward to seeing Kiri again.

Kyoko pov:

"Are you sure it's supposed to be this loose?"

Sayaka: Certain! Junko said so! She knows all about fashion!

Great, I really hope Y/N likes this dress.


Sayaka: Hmm? Kyoko? Are you alright? You're really red.

"O-oh, am I? It's nothing."

I looked away from Sayaka quickly, am I really blushing just thinking about him?

Thinking about his eyes...

His arms...

His hair...

His smile...


Focus, Kyoko.

I need to make sure not to ruin this day. I can't afford to embarrass us today, if I do... No, Y/N wouldn't do that, I just... It's been difficult not being allowed to see him due to 'Wedding traditions'.

Sayaka: There we go! All done!


Sayaka: Take a look!

I stepped slowly over to a large full body mirror.


"...Do I look good?"

Sayaka: What do mean? You look like an angel! This is a maid of honor speaking!

"I mean for Y/N, d-do you think he'd like it?"

Sayaka: Oh this again, listen closely Kyoko 'cause this is the last time I'll tell you, ahem!

Sayaka put her hands on bot of my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.

Sayaka: There is nothing you could wear that he would dislike! He loves you! You're getting married for gods sake! Today!

"I know."

Sayaka: Oh! It's almost time! We gotta get the this veil on you!

"There's still more?"

10 minutes before ceremony
3rd person pov:

All the guests stood around the around waiting for the ceremony to start, some interacting with others they didn't get the chance to in school, specifically though there was Soda, Kokichi, Taka and Y/N's war buds.

Soda: So you're not actually a supreme leader, That's just a title?

Kokichi: Yup! I don't even got a dozen people with me in my group.

Tear: So are you friends with them too or?

Kokichi: Oh of course, I wouldn't let just anyone join me.

Hunter: Well then what about Y/N?

Kokichi: Mmm... He's just cool really, strong and smart, better than most.

Wolf: Why would you need someone strong to do your petty pranks?

Kokichi: Well we need someone to carry the stuff for those pranks duh!

Heartbeat For A Tin Man -  Kyoko Kirigiri x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now