Under The Darksign

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Y/N opened his eyes, beneath him was ground with ashes spread throughout, when he looked up he saw that it was battlefield with weapons strewn about from all the Lord's who linked the fire previously.

He also saw Tear standing near the center of the field next to a bonfire, he turned around and face Y/N.

Tear: Guess it's time... Y'know, We never have actually spared before.

Y/N: Even so, I don't intend to lose.

Y/N said as he stepped forward, drawing the sword of the creator.

Tear: Good. Hey Y/N... don't die, okay?

Y/N: No promises.

Tear sat down at the fire and reached to it, his body was engulfed in it within seconds, when he stood back up he looked larger, taller and fiery-er, once the fire died down it showed a 9 foot man in steel armor that melted around him, he looked at his hand for awhile, he grabbed the sword in the bonfire and swung it around a bit, it's length increased significantly.

Y/N swing his sword toward the Cinder, he pushed a small button on the handle that changed the sword in a whip, it coiled around the Cinders arm.

Y/N tried to pull it to him but failed, the Cinder instead yanked him over and grabbed him out of the air, the Cinder held in place while his hand heated up enough to the point that it exploded into fire.

Y/N launched out of his hand into his back a few feet away, Y/N shook his head, stood back up and saw his sword still coiled around the Cinders arm.

Y/N: Fists it is.

The two looked at each other, the Cinder stabbed his sword into the ground and approached Y/N slowly, Y/N cracked his knuckles and did the same.

They both slowly picked up speed, so much so that within only a few seconds they both reeled back and punched at each other.

Y/N's helmet grazed the Cinders fist leaving a burn mark across the side, but it missed unlike Y/N, Y/N put his foot firmly between his legs, and slammed his fist into the Cinders throat, knocking it back and making it lose its footing.

Y/N ran up, grabbed its shoulders and hoisted his knee up into its chin, then kicked him in chest, before he bounced away he grabbed the hilt of his sword and pulled it back while hitting the button.

The sword straightened out and cut through the Cinders arm like paper, Y/N stumbled around before pointing his sword at the Cinder, lining up for the perfect opportunity.

Y/N: You're wide open!

Y/N slashed and cut at the Monster, constantly switching between the whip and sword, hoping to make a-

Y/N: There!

Y/N switched back into his sword mode one last time as he spun around drove the sword into a small crack in its chest piece, impaling him on the sword.

Y/N: You are set free-

Y/N was grabbed by his throat and throw away, his sword soon followed as he stood back up dazed.

A hazy silhouette of the Cinder grabbed its sword and lifting by the blade above his head, he then pointed the hilt over his shoulder as a blue energy charged around him, Y/N grabbed his sword and looked around for something to hide behind, but saw nothing, the Cinder would soon be done, he knows that the magic would cook him alive in his armor.

His mind raced for an option, anything that could help him...

That's when something hit him.


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