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Kyoko pov:

Finally, I'm done with my work and I can head back to my dorm room.

I haven't seen Y/N much today.

Although, he isn't the only one.

Several others haven't been in their usual hangouts today.

I have a suspicion...

I opened the front door to the dorms and stepped inside, the lights were off, when suddenly...

Y/N pov:

Today's the day, we're all hiding in the girl's dorm front area waiting for Kyoko.

Everyone's in their spots, Hunter, Tear, and I are hidden behind a couch.

Tear was almost motionless so he's good at hiding but Hunter...
He's only good at being still when he isn't told to.

I had my sights on the door waiting when Hunter bumped me.

"Stop moving."

I whispered aggressively at him.

Hunter: Sorry! I'm just so filled with anticipation!

He whispered back, I knocked him over so he'd stay still, he and I were shoving and pushing until...

"The door..."

I gave one last shove, the door opened, and in walked Kyoko.

Kyoko: Odd.

The lights flashed on and we all jumped out.


Kyoko flinched a little from the sudden burst of activity, everyone flooded out of their hiding spots including myself, everyone started the party and the night had begun.

I was having a drink with Makoto, Soda, Hunter, and Byakuya, Makoto and I were talking about our daily lives while Hunter and Byakuya were talking about the finer things, everything was going well.

Byakuya: It's refreshing to know at least one person has somewhat decent tastes around here.

Hunter: Yes, since my arrival I haven't yet found someone of my own like-mindedness, you're very interesting Togami.

Byakuya: Why thank you, I'm glad someone finally realizes my superiority.

That Byakuya guy always talks about himself, what a tool, Makoto seems to mostly agree about that too, I was about to resume my conversation with Makoto when Soda chimed in.

Soda: So Y/N, you got some big after-party celebration planned with Kyoko or what?


Soda: Well plan one out soon, it's already pretty late and I doubt this party is gonna last any longer than a few hours.


Soda turned his attention to Makoto and talked with him about what girl he likes.

What should I do for her?

3 hours later

The party has more or less died down, most people went back to their rooms but a few were having a movie night in the front area.

Kyoko was going to watch the movie with everyone until I pulled her aside.

Kyoko: Y/N, is something the matter?

"No, can I talk to you in private?"

Kyoko looked around for a second then grabbed my hand and ran over to her room, she quickly pulled me inside and shut the door, Kyoko looked over to me, I held her hand and looked at her.

Heartbeat For A Tin Man -  Kyoko Kirigiri x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now