Chapter 2 ✅

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It's been about two months since my encounter with Michael. I woke up this morning and threw up. That's the second time this week. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I get up to shower since I have the time and it looks like I won't be going back to sleep. After my shower I tie my dark hair in a high ponytail, get my black leggings and a green tank top with a dark grey sweater over it. I know the colors don't match but who cares.

Next I get my black flats because anything else has really been uncomfortable to wear. I grab my book bag and race to the kitchen and set it on an island chair. Since I have about an hour till school starts I might as well cook myself some breakfast. I make some eggs, pancakes (which I don't even like that much but I really want them right now) and some bacon. Just as I'm setting my plate down to start eating my sister Jennifer comes in and asks "pancakes? Really? You don't even like them."

I roll my eyes and continue eating. She starts making herself the same thing and sits right across from me. I finish up and ask her "need a ride to school?" "You know what I'll just walk to my school which just happens to be the same one as yours" I roll my eyes pick up my backpack and head out the door and while she follows.

When we arrive at school we part ways, I head to my locker get my things and walk to my first period class which happens to be Chemistry. I walk over to the chemistry room and wait for the bell to ring which rings seconds after my arrival and I sit and wait for the long day ahead of me to officially begin.


As any other school day my schedule ends with, History except for, Tuesdays. Today was not Tuesday.

I walk very slowly down the hallway towards the,  History classroom hoping to kill time. I didn't want to put up with Michael for more than I had and was forced to.

When I get there I know I'm at least 5 minutes late, and of course Michael had to make a snappy remark for my being late.

"Emma I see you decided to join us!"

He's annoying me right now and I don't even know why, it's not like he did anything more than say that "It's not like I really had a choice!" I snap back. It's like I had no control over my emotions or my smart mouth for that matter.

"Well, we are all here to learn aren't we? I don't think we should be wasting time, take a seat Emma." I walk over to the back of the room and take my seat. As soon as he begins his really boring lesson I start to fall asleep it's probably because I woke up so early this morning. I close my eyes for what feels like seconds before I'm awoken by the bell.

I quickly start packing up my belongings ready to leave this class, but of course nothing ever goes my way, "Emma wait! I need to talk to you."  Of course he does.

When the last student files out of the room I cross my arms across my chest and look at Michael ready to hear what he has to say. " I see you took my class to catch up on your sleep."

I just roll my eyes at him, "well I was pretty tired." he looks at me a little stunned but then quickly recovers and puts on his famous smirk. Shit.


I pace my bathroom floor nervously, God I'd never thought I'd be doing this. I check the time on my phone, 2 minutes have passed. I walk towards the sink to check the results, and I can't help the tears at what I see:


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