Chapter 1 ✅

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I woke up and saw that the clock read 7:56.

Shit, I was supposed to be up at 7:00.

I got out of my bed and quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and ran back into my room. Since today was the first day of school, I decided to look presentable you never know if this year is going to get better or at least be interesting. Or if someone famous showed up,which was highly unlikely.

I wore one of my many t-shirts, except that this one fit tighter, and was new with a pait of jeans and boots I've gotten.  I left my dark brown hair in waves over my shoulders. That's one thing I prided myself in, my hair.

I ran down to the kitchen to grab breakfast, and guilt my brother into giving me a ride.


School is hell on earth, anyone who disagrees clearly has already lost their minds.

I walk in and go to my locker there already waiting for me was my best friend, Lila. "Hey Emma" she said as she waved me over to my own locker.

"Hey Lila" I said

"Guess what?" She asked "what?" I replied just a tad annoyed she always does this to me. "There is a new history teacher Mr.Gonzalez he's rumored to be about 24 and like the hottest thing in the world." She said "what happened to Ms. Rivera?" "I don't know." She said "well as long as this new teacher isn't a witch I'm 100% okay with this now if you'll excuse, me I need to get my things" I said as I moved her over to the side. I opened my locker and my schedule was already inside it read:

PERIOD 1: Chemistry
PERIOD 2: Home Economics
PERIOD 3: SEX ED (wonderful)
PERIOD 4: Math
PERIOD 5: Language
PERIOD 6: Lunch
PERIOD 8: History (new teacher)

Today's schedule wasn't half bad I could deal with it but I'd have to wait to 8th period to meet this mysterious new teacher. From what Lila has been telling me all the populars already had their eye on him and I still haven't seen him. It's not like I care (1) dating your teacher would be very wrong (2) it's not like he'll notice me anyways so why sweat it. My thoughts were interrupted by the 1st period bell ringing. Chemistry here I come!


Finally last period. Just one hour, with this new teacher and I can go home. As I walk in I see the new teacher, he has dark brown hair and light blue eyes he has a tight shirt on and you can see his muscles thought the shirt. Shit. How was I supposed to concentrate with a distraction like THAT!

I quickly make my way to the back of the room as I just realized that I have been standing there staring at him for so long, but the funny thing is he's giving me a satisfying smirk like he is enjoying that I'm looking at in that way.

"Hello everyone my name is Mr. Gonzalez I'm the new History teacher." Mr.Gonzalez begins and all the girls are just staring I'm 100% sure that they aren't even listening to a word that he is saying. I know I'm not! He starts explaining his rules and expectations, for his class. He then tells us to write everything we remember learning in history last year. Afterwards he sits at his desk and every time I look up to look at him he's already looking back at me giving me this smirk that is making me feel all tingly.

The bad thing is that I kind of like it. I start to blush and he seems to notice and he chuckles silently and returns to whatever he was doing before. The bell finally rings and everyone starts filling out of the room just as I'm about to leave he calls out to me "Emma is it? May I speak to you for a second?" "Yeah I guess?" I reply rather confused as to why he would want to talk to me after class on the first day, I mean I didn't do anything wrong.

"Emma I've noticed the way you've been looking at me during class..." He begins as soon as all the students file out of the room. I blush at his remark, while the nerves are killing me on the inside. "I think it's rather sexy. Don't think that just because your all the way in the back of this room that I didn't notice you because I just did."

I couldn't help the blush that showed on my cheeks. Someone finally noticed me and it happened to be my new history teacher. It's wrong but I was just so faced with the fact that someone noticed me that I couldn't help but play along with him.

That playing along got me to give my virginty to my new history teacher on the first day of school.

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