In love?

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* 2 months later*
I feel like a whale. Everyone says that I don't to try and make me feel better but it's true I look like a whale. I'm officially going to kill myself. It has come to this none of my clothes fit. Nada (nothing). So its basically me and Jennifer shopping almost all the time. She is getting tired but I don't care she's mg sister and she loves me so shell put up with it if not ill most likely cry I'm becoming a hormonal bitch. Today I feel like I don't need school. I've been going every day without fail so what's one day. Today I also got invited to ice cream with Ashley Michael's girlfriend so I feel like ill be to tired if I go to school. I'm supposed to meet her around 4 right now it's like 3 I go and get ready. As I'm finishing up I get a call from Michael. "Hello." I say why is he calling me I'd like to ignore him because I kind of think I'm in love with him I don't even know that much about him besides the fact that he's really attractive and good in bed. "Why weren't you in school today?" Why does he care we agreed to be friendlier and trust each other if we're going to do this. "Well I'm supposed to go for Ice Cream with your girlfriend and school was gonna make me extra tired and I wouldn't be up for it and I don't want to seem rude or anything." I say. "Oh next time text me so I don't have a panic attack when you don't show up to my class." He says it warms me somehow that he cares but there's a part of me that thinks he's just worried about the kid not you. "Yeah why do you even care?" I dare myself to ask him. "I don't know maybe because your carrying our child." Just what I thought "yeah whatever." I say already feeling tears coming to my eyes and I can't help it I start sobbing. "Hey what's wrong Emma?" He asks me "nothing I'm fine" I say I can't tell him I'm crying because he doesn't care about me. "Your not why are you crying tell me you can tell me anything. That just makes me cry even harder. "Nothing bye I have to go." And with that I hang up and dry my tears, and wait for Ashley to arrive.


"Your glowing Emma." Ashley says to me as I get in the car with her. "Everyone says that." I reply. I try hard to like Ashley but I can't she hasn't done anything but be nice to me but, on the other hand she's dating the man that I'm kinda in love with. We get to the ice cream shop and I'm no longer in the mood for ice cream, but I really can't just tell her that it'd be rude. What I really want right now is peas. I HATE peas but, for some odd reason I really want them right now. After Ice Cream with Ashley I get a random text message from a number I don't recognize it reads ENJOY LIFE I COULDN'T AND NOW I'M GOING TO ROT IN HELL? That is the weirdest text message that I have ever received. I get home and think about what this stupid message could mean. I get a call. Great. "Emma are you okay now tell me what's wrong." Michael. Uggg. I feel annoyed/sad and tears start streaming down my eyes. I must really love him for some reason. "I'm okay stop worrying about me." I sob onto the phone and hang up. I am suddenly brought back to reality or my horrible thoughts when a weird kind of pain reaches my stomach "MOM!" Is all I manage to get out of my mouth.

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