Holy &@€#

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* 2 months later*

I wake up and get ready for school. As bad as I don't want to go I don't want to end up stupid. Quotes of the great Michael. As I am walking down the stairs I trip over something and trip. I don't have time to fall as I grab the railing but my foot wasn't so lucky. I think I twisted my ankle. When I look up I see Jennifer looking at me. "Holy Shit! Are you okay?!" She ask me. "Yeah I'm fine but I think my right foot would beg to differ." I say as I can already feel the pain in my foot escalating. "Wait here I'm going to go get mom." Say Jennifer. 30 seconds later mom shows up, and I'm still standing halfway down the stairs. "What happened?" Asks mom worriedly. "I tripped but I'm fine I didn't fall but I think I twisted my ankle." I say a little pained because my ankle hurts. Jennifer runs off to I don't know where and she comes back with dad. I'm assuming she already explained because he doesn't ask questions he just comes and carries me down the stairs.


I can't really use crutches so I've been basically been carried around everywhere, except for when I need the bathroom that's when I really make the effort and go on my own with crutches. I won't be needing them that long just until my foot heels and it should be good in about 2 and a half weeks. Which by the end of that time I should be preparing myself for childbirth. Great. I still need to call Michael I didn't call him and soon he'll call me as to why I didn't attend school today. As if on cue my phone rings "Hello." I say "Emma why weren't you in school today? Are you okay?" Michael says trying to sound calm but failing miserably. "Yeah I almost took a trip down the stairs and twisted my ankle nut I'm fine baby's fine no need to worry." I say hoping that he won't do something stupid and decide to show up. I look around the house and notice that I'm alone. Mom and Dad are at work and Jennifer is hanging out somewhere I decide to get up and walk around because my legs where getting a but stiff that's when I felt a warm liquid run down my legs. "Shit!" I say.

The New Teacher Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt