The bump

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I wake up and run straight to the bathroom. It's back the, freakin morning sickness it has decided to come back. After I finish I brush my teeth, and hop into the shower. I go to my room to change but then I notice something, my stomach. I stand in front of my bedroom mirror and look at my stomach. It's bigger it's like it grew over night. There's no way I could cover this up. So I wear a loose fitting shirt and leggings. Today is a week day which means school. Which means Michael. I go downstairs to make breakfast to see that Jennifer is already there eating. "Your breakfast is on the counter." She tells me. I go and take my breakfast, and before I can sit down Jennifer speaks. "Wow someone looks pregnant already." I just glare at her and sit down. "I'm supposed to you dummy." I have to admit I'm a bit worried of what people are gonna think but then again, I don't have to care their opinion is not gonna kill me but just the staring is gonna be really uncomfortable.


I get to history which is the only class that I have left. So far a lot of people have been staring at me but, now it's normal so when my history class stares at me I just smile at them. I make my way to the back of the class and start drawing, the period ends in no time but, I know I will be staying behind as always. When I walk up to Michael he says the same thing as always, he places his hand on my not so flat anymore stomach and says "hi son or daughter aren't we growing already." That warms my heart but, then I think of his witch of a fiancé and I'm back to normal. "Okay so Miranda wants to talk again she says that she has a compromise but I told her it was made but she still insisted." Michael said. "That bitch is not going to change what I already decided even if you change your mind and agree with her." I say quickly afterwards. "I'm never going to agree with her don't worry."


I'm walking to the frozen yogurt shop. I felt the need for frozen yogurt. As I'm walking to the shop a man in all black stops in front of me. "Excuse me." I say trying to push him aside but, he grins evilly. "Your Emma right?" He asks me. "Yeah why?" I ask. "I have a message from Miranda she said she tried to be nice and get an agreement but since you denied them all nobody will have the burden to worry about anymore." With that he takes out a knife and the tip is touching my stomach. I'm scared out of my mind, I close my eyes. I'm waiting for him to stab me and kill my baby but he never does. I open my eyes and see that some strange man has him pinned down and I see the knife about 6 feet away from them. "Are you okay?" Asks the strange man. "Yeah thank you for saving me." I say. "It was nothing." He says "you need to call someone to come pick you up, I'm going to call the police." For some reason the first person I call is Michael. Maybe it's because HIS FIANCÉ SENT A PERSON TO KILL MY BABY!!! I take my phone out of my pocket and dial his number after the 5th ring he picks up. "Hey Emma what happened?" He asks "I need you to come pick me up I'm a block away from the frozen yogurt shop." I say "What! Why?" He asked worriedly. "I almost got stabbed! And the best part of it is he is a person contracted by your fiancé to kill our baby!" I yell at him angrily. "WHAT THE HELL!!! I'll be there in 5 minutes hold on." He says. "Don't bring your crazy fiancé with you." I say then I hang up. 5 minutes later Michael shows up when he sees me he runs to me and hugs me and I hug him back. "Are you okay?" He asks me "I'm not dead am I?" I reply "yeah I'm okay." I continue just to reassure him. We brake up our hug. "You want me to take you home?" He asks "of course I wouldn't go to your house where your crazy fiancé lives." I say and with that we get in the car and he drives me home.

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