eight; how the mighty fall

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         eight; how the mighty fall


     It's been two weeks since Brianna and I started dating and honestly, it's been the best two weeks of my life, until today. I decided it would be a good idea to hang out with my asshole friends instead of Brianna. She had some family thing today so I thought, why not? 

It's just my regular group of friends, Zayn, Harry, Louis, Avery, Bella, Finn, Jack and Calum. We are just sitting around in my living room, because my dad isn't home (surprise, surprise), eating pizza, drinking, watching some movie and talking.   

Bella and Finn were back together, again, so nothing was awkward. They got back together last week when Bella went crazy and started crying to his doorman about how much she loved him. Jack actually found her and brought her upstairs to Finn, where they eventually made up.  

We've been sitting her all day and I'm so bored without Brianna here. Don't get me wrong, my friends are great and everything, but this is so boring. It's just another boring ass Saturday.  

"So this girl, huh?"  

I look up at Avery and shrug. "Yeah, what about her?" 

She laughs, leaning into Louis' side. "You seem to like her a lot."

 "And?" I ask, getting annoyed quickly. Honestly, I don't understand why Louis is dating her. She is always in everybody's business and treats Louis likes little kid. Harry tells him all the time that he should dump her, but he won't listen and Harry is his best friend. So if he won't listen to Harry, he won't listen to anyone else. 

 "Nothing, it's just I don't think I've ever seen you so submissive." 

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I ask, sitting up in my seat, getting even angrier. I am not submissive. She shouldn't even be talking about submissive with the way she treats Louis. 

 "You haven't hung out with us in weeks because she always comes first," she tells me. 

 Louis rolls his eyes. "Ave, stop. Leave him alone."

 "Maybe it's because I'm sick of your annoying ass question," I rudely tell her, but I don't even care. 

 She rolls her eyes. "Don't get all bitchy because you know you've gotten all mushy and shit since you started dating her."

 "No I hav—"

 "Dude, you kind of have," Zayn says, cutting me off. "And you haven't even fucked her yet."

 "It's literally been two weeks. You people need to chill the fuck out," I tell them, fuming with anger. "Just because I have a girlfriend that I actually like, doesn't mean I've turned into a bitch."

 "Wow, chill, Mikey," Calum says. "We know you like her. They're just saying that's she's consumed all of your time and it's only been two weeks."

 I roll my eyes. "We're in that honeymoon-phase-shit people talk about. I like her better than you assholes."

 "I think it's really sweet that you really like her, Mikey," Bella speaks up. She leans back into Finn, who kisses her head. "She seems cool. You should invite her to eat lunch with us," she suggests with a smile. 

 "She wouldn't want to do that," I tell her quickly. 

 Honestly, she probably wouldn't mind, but I don't want her sitting with us at lunch. My friends talk about all this shit I don't want her to hear about. She'd find out stuff about me that I don't want her to. I want her to get to know me from me, not them. Plus, they'd just bother the shit out of her or hit on her and I don't feel like dealing with that crap. Brianna likes eating with her friends. Her friends wouldn't let her eat with me anyway. I'm lucky they haven't talked her out of dating me yet. 

murder // m.c.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ