four; i'll do me right back

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         four; i'll do me right back

    Over the next few weeks, Calum and I had become really good friends. To be honest, he isn't that bad. He's actually really sweet and caring. However, with the good, comes the bad, also known as Michael Clifford. The more I saw of Calum, the more I saw of Mikey. There is no escaping him. 

 Whenever I would hang out with Calum, Michael would always turn up, even if it was just for a minute to give me a dirty look, make some sort of comment about us or ask a ridiculous question. Calum had taken note of the situation and told me he was going to talk to Mikey, but I highly doubt it'll change anything. Genuinely, I don't have a problem with him, but for some reason, he has a huge problem with me. 

"Hey, princess, have you banged Calum yet?”

I keep looking straight ahead as I walk through the halls, ignoring Michael as I try to make it to Spanish class on time. 

"He's that bad, huh?"

I roll my eyes and turn down the hall with Michael on my tail.

 "You're not gonna talk to me?"

I sigh heavily and stop, turning to face Michael before I go to class. "Please stop harassing me. Look, I'm sorry I called you all those names and told you to fuck off, but this has to stop."

He smirks, leaning against the lockers. "What is this?" He asks, gesturing to us. 


He cocks his eyebrow. "Really?"


"I thought we were friends, since you are banging my best friend."

 I groan. "First of all, we're friends, not banging. Second of all, just because I'm friends with Calum, doesn't mean that we are automatically friends."

 He smiles, seeming very amused with my small rant. "I see you're still feisty."

 "Shut up." I groan and push past him to walk into my last class of the day. 


              please please please make him leave me alone. he keeps asking if we've fuck and it's really getting on my last nerves. 

                    I'll handle it today, sorry babe

              thank you so much

                  anything for you :)

 "That doesn't look like the face of a happy girl,” Jack says, making me look up from my phone. 

 I huff, putting my head down on the cold desk. "Michael won't leave me the hell alone."

 Audrey laughs from her seat beside me. "He seems to cling to you, it's kind of amusing."

 Jack turns his chair to face my and Audrey's desks. "Just tell him to stop."

 I look up at him. "You think it's that simple, huh? Well, it's not. This kid is everywhere I turn."

 "Well, this is technically your own doing."

 I turn to look at Audrey. "Oh shut up, I know it's my own fault."

 She laughs. "Don't act like you didn't want this."

 I roll my eyes and Jack laughs. "Bri, he was going to bite you in the ass eventually."

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