twenty; don't shoot, love

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                   twenty; don't shoot, love

   I smile at him as he walks into the building. "You look cute," I comment.

Michael rolls his eyes. "Don't lie, I look like a jackass."

My doorman, Reggie, gives me a look as he closes the door behind Michael. I smile at Reggie before taking Michael's hand and pulling him towards the elevator.

"I really do like your button down," I mention to Michael in the elevator.

He rolls his eyes and leans down to kiss me hello. "Sure."

I smile and kiss him again. "You look sexy when you're all dressed up. You clean up very nicely, Clifford."

Granted, he's wearing his leather jacket over his nice black button down and he's wearing black jeans, but he still looks nice. And he even put on is boots instead of Converse for once.

He looks down at me and smirks. "How sexy?" He asks, suggestively, pulling me into his body with one hand, holding a tin of brownies in the other.

I look up at him, unbuttoning and buttoning his second button. "So sexy I might have to hide you in my room for the night and have my way with you."

He smirks and kisses me. "I like the sound of that, princess."

"Mhmm," I hum as the elevator gets closer to my floor, "I bet you would. But for now, I need you to keep it in your pants because everybody is in my apartment."

"Do I get a reward after?" He whispers into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. His lips press against my neck as the elevator stops at my floor and I have to fight everything inside me to stop him.

He laughs when I push him away. I fix his shirt and kiss his lips quickly before wiping away my red lipstick from his once light pink lips. "Just be yourself and they'll love you, okay?" I move my hand to fix his blond, again, hair.

He nods and kisses my forehead. "It'll be fine," he says nonchalantly.

"You're not nervous?" I ask him as we make our way out of the elevator.

He looks down at me and takes my hand in his. "I'm shitting my pants right now, but I'm great at hiding my real feelings, as you know, so yeah I am, but no, not really."

I smile up at him. "It'll be fine. I'll be right by your side all night. I'm not gonna leave you," I promise him. I can see his body relax and he squeezes my hand in his as we get to my door. "Ready?" I ask him.

He nods and kisses my temple before I open the door. As soon as we walk inside, Niall stops us at the door. He was putting Kathy's (Connor's annoying aunt) coat in the closet.

He puts his hand on Michael's chest to stop him. "Are you wearing lipstick?" He asks, looking at Michael funny.

Michael looks down at me and smirks. He looks back at Niall and gives him a look that makes Niall roll his eyes in disgust. Michael continues smirking as he takes his thumb to his lips to wipe the rest of my lipstick off.

"Is it all gone now?" He asks me with a playfully annoyed look.

"For now," I tease.

Niall rolls his eyes again. "Just give me your jacket and then get a room," he tells Michael.

Michael laughs and hands me the tin of brownies to hold while he shrugs off his coat, giving it to Niall. "Thanks, man," he tells Niall, patting him on the shoulder before I take his hand again.

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