fourteen; things that your friends say

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fourteen; things that your friends say

My heart stops. "What do you mean he got arrested?" I ask, into the phone. This has to be some sort of joke. What the hell could he have done to get arrested?

"He beat the shit out of Zayn."

"What?" I ask, having to stop myself from yelling into the phone.

"He thought when you two went off together, you two hooked up and he got really, really mad. Zayn's not pressing charges, but they won't let him out."

"Why not? He's eighteen. He's an adult."

"He's drunk," Calum says.

I groan. Of course he's drunk. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Go get him, please," he practically begs. "I can't because my mom would kill me."

"Don't you have to be eighteen? I'm not eighteen yet, I'm not even seventeen yet," I tell him. "Niall's not eighteen yet either. I don't know any eighteen year olds other than Louis and I doubt he'd be thrilled to go bail Mikey out of jail at three in the morning."

"Brianna, please just help me figure something out. He can't call his dad because he'd kill him."

I sigh; now I feel bad. "Calum, I honestly don't know how I could even get him out."

"Brianna, please," he begs. "I can't leave my house and my sister would kill me if I even asked now."

I groan and run my hand over my face. "I'll call Louis."

"Thank you," he says gratefully, sounding relieved. "You don't need to pay anything, just go there, show ID and take him home."

"Wait, where's Zayn?" I ask.

"They took him to the hospital and then sent him home with his parents," Calum tells me.

"The hospital?" I ask, freaking out because what the hell did Michael do that put Zayn in the hospital?

"Yeah, since it was a fight, they called an ambulance to make sure he was okay. From what I heard, he only has a black eye, a few cuts and some bruises."

"What about Mikey?" I ask, praying that he's okay.

"He wouldn't tell me, so when you see him, don't get scared."

"Calum, I can't see him like that," I whisper.

"Brianna," he says sympathetically. "I know you don't want to see him like that, but I can't get him, so I need you to do this for me. If you really can't do it, I'll call Louis."

I shake my head. "No, I'll do it, I'll go with him. It's okay, I'll be fine," I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah," I say, taking a deep breath. "Where do I take him?"

"His dad is home, so I don't know."

"What? So then what am I suppose to do?"

"Ask Louis if he can stay with him," Calum suggest. "I'll let him stay here the rest of the weekend, but he just needs some place to stay tonight."

I rub my eye, trying to figure everything out. "And if Louis says no?"

"Then I don't know. If that happens, then just call me back and I'll figure it out," he says.

I sigh. "Alright, alright. I'll call you if anything," I tell him.

"Okay, thank you," he says. "Text me after everything is settled. I'll tell Louis now and just get ready. I'll have him call you. I'll talk you later," he says.

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