eleven; tear in my heart

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eleven; tear in my heart

"He just broke up with you, just like that?" Sammy asks, sounding completely surprised. "What the hell happened?"

I shake my head and wipe my stupid tears. "I don't know. I really have no idea what the hell happened. He was fine and then he just-" I stop as tear start down my face again.

"Brianna," Audrey says, sadly, pulling me into a hug. "Don't cry over him. He was a jerk anyway."

Sammy sighs. "Bri, he's not even worth your tears."

I wipe my tears and frown. "I really liked him."

"I know, sweetie," Sammy says sadly. "Honestly, we all liked him. You two were good together."

"We were!" I say, getting worked up again. "Even Calum told me that we were really good together! I'm apparently the best thing that's happened to him in a long time.

"Dammit, even Niall, my pain in the ass, disapproving of every guy that's even looked my way, brother, texted me after we all walked to school this morning and told me he one hundred percent was wrong about him and that now he approves. He has never said that about any guy I've ever dated."

Sammy and Audrey frown because they don't know what to say to me and I honestly don't blame them. I huff and wipe my face. "He's so fucking annoying. Why does he have to listen to what other people say? Like screw them, we were perfectly fine before he started taking advice from people who don't even know what we're like together!" I rant, getting more angry that sad. "I hate him so much."

"You don't mean that," Sammy says softly.

"I know and that's what's so fucked up about everything. He just dumped me not even an hour ago as if nothing and I'm so pathetic." I frown and before either of them can say anything, Ashton and Liam walk into my room.

Ashton places a plastic shopping bag on the floor next to me and smiles sadly. "Niall told us we could just come right in."

"He told us you weren't too fond of guys at the moment, so we brought ice cream and cookies to bargain with you," Liam says with a soft smile.

I laugh and tell them to sit down. Ashton sits down next to Sammy and Liam sits in between Audrey and me. "Niall is scared of girls crying, that's why he said that," I tell them.

Liam smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Well, you shouldn't be crying, anyway."

I frown and hug him tightly. "I know," I mumble into his chest. "But I really like him, Liam."

He frowns. "He doesn't know what he's missing," he says, trying to cheer me up. "He should be the one crying."

Ashton nods in agreement. "You were way more than he ever deserved, Bri."

I shrug and Liam pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "Tell us what happened."

I sigh, sinking into Liam and going on to tell them the whole story. Just talking about it hurts. It's so stupid because we weren't even dating for a month. I shouldn't be crying as much as I am over this stupid kid who was honestly an asshole since the beginning. I shouldn't be so upset because I should've seen this coming soon or later.

I guess I just fell into the idea that he was different. I thought that I actually changed him and he actually cared about me. I thought he was opening up to me and letting me in, but I was wrong.

Maybe I should've fought harder and made him talk about what he was actually doing. Maybe I should've yelled and begged him not to leave because I know that he didn't really want to break up. Maybe I should've went and found him as soon as Calum told me what happened. Maybe I should be taking this all out on his stupid friends because if it wasn't for them putting shit into his head, we would still be together and I wouldn't be crying over this. Or maybe this whole thing was all a game to him and regardless of what I did or didn't do, this was all going to crash and blow up in my face.

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