Part 60 (Forgotten)

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Gaia's P.O.V.

"2005?" I answer with doubt.

"Jesus Christ" the guy from my Spanish class said in disbelief, Blake was his name, I think...

"What?!" I say annoyed.

"Let's wait for you parents, they're on their way" just then there's a knock on the door.

"Oh my God, hi baby!" my mom rushes to me with open arms.

"Mom" I hug her "Your hair looks longer... Daddy?"

"Hi sweetheart" I hug him too

"What's going on?" I ask them.

"You had a little accident" mom says as she pulls away a couple of hairs in my face.

"Accident? I don't remember an accident..."

"Miss Kurkova, could you please tell your parents how old you are?" the doctors asks me.

"Why would I do that? They know how old I am"

"Why? What's wrong?" mom asks.

"Tell me then" the doc says.

"Ugh! I'm gonna be 14 in three weeks, what's the big deal?!" why are they treating me like I'm some sort of lunatic?

"Oh my God" my mom begins to cry.

"What?! Why is everybody acting like I'm crazy?"

"Miss Kurkova... I will be blunt with this because there's no easy way to say it.... You had a small accident where you stopped breathing and it lead for you to go to a comatose state.... The year is 2015, you're 23 years old"

"What?!" I start laughing out loud "Nice joke guys" I stop laughing as soon as I see them all worried. "It's a joke right?"

"Oh honey" my mom hugs me again. This can't be real, 2015? 10 years?!!

"Wait... I was 10 years in a coma?!"

"No, you are suffering from memory loss. You've been in a coma for 4 months"

"Will her memory come back?" the man asks.

"Maybe, maybe not... The mind works in mysterious ways."

I look over to the guy from Spanish class "Why are you here?"


"He's your finceé, honey" mom finishes the sentence he couldn't complete.


"Yeah" he whispers.

"I'll give you guys a second" the doctor leaves.

"Yeah me too, I need some fresh air" he leaves.

"Mom I'm scared" I hug her.

"It's gonna be okay sweetie... there's something else you should know"

"What?" God how could this get any worse?

"You... have two children"

"Kids? But I'm still a virg--" I stop knowing it'll be awkward for all of us, especially for me, knowing my dad was there.

"I know you believe that, but it's important that you know that" 

"Is he the dad?"


"Why did he leave?"

"Well, you have a history together... I'm guessing it was too much for him and he needed some fresh air... Do you want me to call him back in?"

"No" I say instantly, he was a stranger to my eyes. "I don't have to go with him do I?"

"Oh, well we all do, but me and your dad are gonna be there with you, whatever you need darling"

"What do you mean we all have to go with him?"

"That's another thing" my dad says "We're not in Oklahoma anymore, you libe in L.A. now, with him"

"What the hell am I doing in L.A.?"

"He's an NBA player, one of the best"

"I was going to marry an NBA player?"

"Was?" my mom asks.

"Well I'm not gonna marry him now... I don't know him"

"Oh... give it time, you love him very much, maybe it'll come back."

"So... have we been together for 10 years or did we just meet again for some reason"

"That's a conversation you're gonna have to talk with him about..."


Blake's P.O.V.

I step outside for a couple of minutes, I can't believe she remembers me as "The guy in my Spanish class". It was too much for me, I needed some fresh air... I pace around the sidewalk, trying to figure out what to do, I mean, if she doesn't remember me, she sure as hell is not gonna remember the kids.... God, what about Asher?


"Mrs. K... I'm sorry I left like that"

"It's quite all right, I probably would've done the same if she didn't remember me, but you should go talk to her"

"And tell her what? Hey I know you don't remember me right now but I'm your fianceé, come home with me 'cause you have no place else to go... Oh! and did I mention we have two kids together?"

"I already told her about the kids. Sooner or later Blake, she's gonna have to adapt"

"She's 13 years old in her head... I can't make her come live with me"

"She has 2 kids she needs to look after. I know it has to be hard as hell for her. Waking up thinking you're 13 and someone telling you you're 23 and with kids... I don't even know how she's not pulling her hairs out"

"That's now, but the moment she steps into that house, she's gonna lose it"

"Go talk to her"

"I can't"

"Go talk to her" she says firmly. "You have to face this too"

"How can I look at her and talk to her like we've never met? I want to hug her, kiss her, tell her I love her and how much the kids miss her... if I throw all of this at her, I'll just freak her out and push her away."

"Then just talk. I'm sure she has a lot of questions..."

I decide to give it a try and I go back to ther room, where her father left us alone...

"Hi" I say.

"Hey" she says awkwardly.

"Okay if I come in?"

"I guess"

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable" I let her know.

"I'm already uncomfortable with the whole situation..." she looks down as she plays with her fingers... She always does that when she's nervous... "So, Blake? Is it?"

"Yep" I go sit next to her.

"I'm guessing we have a lot to talk about..."

"Yeah, we do..."

How do I tell her about all the things we went through those 10 years of our lives without freaking her out? Our first kiss, our first time... the heartbreaks, the reconciliations, our first baby and the scare with our second one... Our whole lives together just... wiped off. I guess I'll just have to take it one step at a time and hope for the best...


So sad! Do you think she'll ever get her memory back??

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