Part 50 (Christmas Day) Part 3

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Blake's P.O.V.

I get a hard on when Sarah touches me and I can't help but want her. Her legs are so sexy and so is she.

"I can't" I say but somehow keep kissing her.

"If that were true you would've stopped me by now"

"I can't... I have a wife"

"I thought you said she was your girlfriend"

"Fianceé actually" she kept rubbing me.

"Oh come on, you're young. You really want to be tied up to just one girl for the rest of your life? You can have any woman you want"

She has a point but I can't just leave Gaia, she's the mother of my kids and almost died and even if they weren't in this world, she's the love of my life.... I can't hurt her this way.

"Stop" I snap out of it and push away her hand. "I love her... I can't hurt her this way, or any way"

"You didn't seem to be bothering it, and neither did the little guy" she looks down at my bulge.

"I'm a guy, I can't help it... But I can put a stop to it and that's exactly what I'm doing."

"What's to stop you from not doing it again? You know you will cheat on her at some point... I noticed you didn't take your eyes off of me when you were on the bench"

"It was my mistake. If that led you on, I'm sorry... I think you should go"

"Fine, but I know you felt something..." she goes get Jordan and soon after they leave. I grab Asher to get him to bed and head to Gaia... I need to tell her what happened, no matter the consequences.

"Gaia?" I wake her up gently. "I need to talk to you"

"What is it?" 

"I know you're tired but I have to get this out my system"


"Do you know Sarah from somewhere?" I ask her curiously.


"Come one Gaia, you didn't squeeze my hand because you were dizzy, you squeezed it as soon as you as you saw her... Where do you know her from?"

"Nowhere, I swear... I just have a bad feeling about her. What were you gonna tell me?"

"Don't be mad, I mean you're gonna be mad but... she kissed me"


"And then she grabbed my junk"

"And you let her?"

"She caught me off guard, it was out of nowhere..." 

"Did you kiss her back?"

"What?" I ask scared, like she caught me doing someting wrong.

"Did you?" I'm afraid of what she might do when I answer "...No secrets right?" she finishes.

"Right... I did at first, but I stopped as soon as I realized it" I say quickly.

"You kissed her back?! Why?!!" 

"It was an instinct, I don't know! Baby I'm sorry, I swear! I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Oh my God" she stands from the bed ans paces around.

"What's the big deal? I mean, you're acting as if I was gonna leave you for her" I fix what I meant.

"I dreamt about her, or something, I don't know"

"What? What do you mean?"

"When I was in a coma or whatever the hell it is I was in, I saw you with her.... and you were married and she was pregnant and... the kids called her mom. I thought I was gonna be okay with it but... I'm not"

"Baby I will never marry someone who isn't you"

"Maybe this is a sign"

"A sign? For what?"

"That we shouldn't get married yet"

"No... no, no! Don't do this"

"It's gotta mean something"

"It's a stupid coincidence, besides you don't believe in that stuff Gaia! This is not happening!" I complain.


"You are not doing this again! Gaia... I am begging you at this point to marry me. Don't tell it's not the right time, don't tell me you're not ready... I've waited three years! I get tired of telling people you're my fianceé, I get tired of telling them why we haven't gotten married yet... I want to tell people that it was one of the best days of my life, I want to be able to call you my wife... You cannot do this to me again"

"Blake you just told me you kissed some girl!" she gets mad.

"Who I stopped as soon as I realized what it would do to you if I did sleep with her."

"Can we please talk about this tomorrow?" she sits on the bed.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts... But I can't wait another three years Gaia... If you don't want to marry me just tell me, but don't get my hopes up and then shoot them down" I close the door behind me and leave.

I wasn't going to sleep in the same room as her tonight. Not for what she said, but for what I did... I love this woman and I always will. I know she loves me too, so why is she so afraid to marry me? I would wait for her for anything but honestly, it's starting to break my heart... It makes me feel like I don't make her happy, and that's the only thing I want for her... Am I the one thing keeping her from happiness?... And if I am, can I let her go?...


Okay, as you know I am a crybaby when I write stuff like this so... I almost cried, lol.

What do you think about Gaia? Is she just scared to be hurt by Blake again? Or is she just truly not happy?

High School Sweetheart <3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ